"In Coenaculo" - Silverstream Priory (November-December 2015) | 页面 8

appointed abbot of the Sanctuary of La Madonna del Pilastrello at Lendinara (Rovigo). Consumed, more and more, with a burning love for the Sacred Host, Abbot Celestino spent himself as a devoted and tireless spiritual father to the Benedictine Nuns of Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Monastery of Ghiffa. Later, he exercised the same role toward the monasteries aggregated to Ghiffa in central and southern Italy. The Annals of the Monastery of Ghiffa relate: After having studied in depth the Constitutions and books of the Institute, after having practiced the spirit of them to an heroic degree, after having grounded the community in this same spirit, with a patient, enlightened, and prudent zeal, he asked for the grace of possessing our holy habit, of practicing our holy Constitutions, of being a true member of the Institute, a true victim of the Most Holy Sacrament. The nuns, in a unanimous joy, received the Eucharistic vow of the Reverend Father. Since that day uninterrupted requests and prayers have been raised to heaven so that the Institute will have, at last, its complement to the glory of the Eucharist and so that the last breath of our great father Benedict will generate sons of the Host to the Host, Benedictine Adorers, the priestly victims to sustain and save the Church in the difficult last times. And so may it be. The existence of a little sanctuary dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity near the monastery of Ronco di Ghiffa, revived in Dom Celestino a desire that had never gone away: the birth of a Benedictine community of men dedicated to adoration and reparation of the Eucharist. One reads in the same Annals, that coming down, one day from the Sanc- tuary of the Most Holy Trinity to the monastery, he expressed “the wish that Eucharistic Benedictine Fathers would come one day to the Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity.” This lively aspiration was never erased from the heart of Dom Celestino, enamoured as he was of the Eucharistic ideal proposed by Mother Mectilde de Bar in the 17th century, and lived so well by the Benedictines of the monastery of Ghiffa. Abbot Celestino Maria Colombo absorbed and appropriated for himself the spirit of the Benedictine Institute of Perpetual Adoration, to the point of living it faithfully and fostering its growth in every possible way until his saintly death on 24 September 1935. Benedictine life at Silverstream Priory is mysteriously linked to a series of deaths and resurrections, of disappearances and of re-emergences. “Amen, amen I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, itself remaineth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12:24–25). The grain of wheat is the Eucharistic Benedictine life of Blessed Andrea di Paolo of the White Monks of Corpus Christi in the 14th century; it is the Eucharistic Benedictine life of Mectilde de Bar in the 17th century; it is the Eucharistic Benedictine life of Venerable Caterina Lavizzari, and of Abbot Celestino Maria Colombo in the 20th century. At Silverstream Priory in Ireland the grain of wheat is sprouting once again: it is green and full of promise. The intercession of Abbot Celestino Maria Colomba will surely obtain for Silverstream Priory the abundant Eucharistic harvest that, for so long, has been held in the heart of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of every new beginning in grace. > HOW TO HELP THE MONKS OF SILVERSTREAM PRIORY ¶ OUR FRIENDS IN THE E.U. & THE U.K. can send us a bank transfer (which we prefer, as our bank exacts a large fee for cashing cheques). Our bank information is as follows: ¶ OUR FRIENDS IN THE U.S.A. can send a bank transfer to the Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation: Bank of Ireland, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, IBAN: IE02 BOFI 9035 4196 4472 87 BIC: BOFIIE2D Bank Name: Bank of America Acct: 3050 0499 5780 ACH Routing: 103000017 USA Wire ABA/Routing: 026009593 Alternatively, you can send a cheque, payable to “Silverstream Priory”, and post it to: Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland, K32 T189. Or you can send a cheque, payable to “The Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation”, to: 20315 South Highway 75, Mounds, OK 74047. Or, donate online at WWW.CENACLEOSB.ORG