"In Coenaculo" - Silverstream Priory (November-December 2015) | Página 2

Visit of the Bishop of Meath & the Abbot of Flavigny Within the monastery, a significant amount of work was done to give our living spaces a fresher, cleaner, and more monastic appearance. The room where we study and do lectio divina (called the scriptorium) was fitted out with handsome oak bookcases and now accommodates approximately 1500 volumes. The central staircase was painted, a lighting fixture of wrought iron suspended, and a beautiful carved wood crucifix, the gift of the Christian Brothers in Baldoyle, hung on the large staircase wall. On 6 August, feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Dom Benedict Maria Andersen, a native of Denver, Colorado, professed his solemn vows and received the monastic consecration. On 15 August, feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dom Finnian Joseph King, a native of Bohermeen, County Meath, and Dom Elijah Maria Carroll, a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, professed their triennial vows. Dom Basil Mary McCabe of the Abbey of Saint-Joseph-de-Clairval in Flavigny (France) was among us for the better part of August. Dom Basil shared fully in our life, and helping in ways too many to be counted. Dom Ildebrando Wehbe and Federico Allegri, from the Olivetan Benedictine community of San Miniato in Florence (Italy), spent several days among us on the occasion of the profession of D. Finnian and D. Elijah. At the end of August, the Father Abbot of Flavigny, Dom Antoine-Marie Beauchef, passed five days at Silverstream. Father Abbot’s presence in our midst was an immense blessing, strengthening the bonds of fraternal charity that already unite us to the community of Flavigny. On 20 August, our own Bishop of Meath, His Lordship, Dr Michael Smith visited Silver- stream to greet the Abbot of Flavigny and spend a few hours with the community. During the same month, Silverstream’s extended family grew with the reception of five Oblate novices on both sides of the Atlantic: Filip [Athanasius] and Natalia [Katherine of Alexandria] Lajszczak (Co. Meath, Ireland); Slaveck [Bartholomew] Matacz (Co. Meath, Ireland), Clarissa [Mectilde] Kwasniewski (Wyoming, U.S.A.), and Kim Patrick [Pius] and Sallie [Maria Giovanna] Catalano (North Carolina, U.S.A.). On 9 September, an excellent young convert to the Catholic faith, Mikkel Rahbek Pedersen, arrived from Denmark to share our life for one year. Also in September, Dom Elijah began his four years of theology under the wise and learned aegis of the Dominican Fathers at St Saviour’s Priory in Dublin. Dom Elijah will be in residence at St Saviour’s during the week, returning home to Silverstream on weekends and during holiday recesses. On 18 September the community attended the Mass of the Holy Ghost that marked the opening of the academic year at St Saviour’s Priory. Dom Benedict is keeping the Gatehouse bookstore in good supply of current publications, icons, rosaries, and Saint Benedict medals. The Gatehouse continues to be appreciated as one of the best Catholic bookstores in Ireland. It is open daily outside of the hours of Holy Ma ss and the Divine Office.