IN Chartiers Valley Winter 2017 | Page 17

NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MANDI PRYOR BRINGS COMMUNITY TOGETHER THROUGH THE CHAMBER. BY KATHY RUDOLPH W ith plans to bring back monthly lunches, continue evening mixers and add more women-centric and smaller niche events, Mandi Pryor, new Executive Director of South West Communities Chamber of Commerce, is ready to do what it takes to help members succeed. “Smaller niche events allow for more personalized relationships,” says Pryor, of Cecil Township. “When people trust one another, they want to do more business with each other. It can be daunting to walk into a large room of people, and this helps members get to know one another.” Located on Washington Pike in Collier Township, the South West Communities Chamber of Commerce provides tools to assist in the operation and promotion of area businesses, and its members work together to make their communities desirable places to live and do business. The organization is approximately 100 years old and its member municipalities include the boroughs of Bridgeville and Heidelberg as well as Collier, Scott, South Fayette and Upper St. Clair townships. It is housed in a 125-year-old building that was once a West Penn Power substation, and which members and area businesses helped to restore 25 years ago. Pryor started as executive director in August. “We had many strong candidates throughout the Pittsburgh and surrounding region, but hiring someone with Mandi’s experience and talent was the ideal choice,” says Wendy Kingsland, Chamber President, and President and CEO of Visionary Federal Credit Union. Pryor’s background includes marketing, event management, social media, website design and public relations. “With her extensive experience, she’s in a great position to represent each and every business in the South West Communities Chamber of Commerce and lead us on a path of success to have a positive impact on our members’ businesses,” notes Kingsland. In addition, Pryor worked as a former location manager in Florida’s film industry and is owner of MP Marketing and PR. She is an executive producer and host of “Spotlight on Pittsburgh,” a talk show featuring the city’s most fascinating people. The show can be viewed on Peters Township Community Television. “I call it my hobby,” laughs Pryor. She and Rob Costanza, associate producer and Peters Township resident, produce the show. “I’d describe it as a fun talk show, where I let the conversation go how it goes—it’s very low scripted.” Some of Pryor’s guests have included comedian Terry Jones, John Chamberlin, blogger of the podcast, and Tanya Mallory, CEO of Dress for Success Pittsburgh. “When the Chamber position came along I thought it was a perfect match for my talents in event planning and marketing,” Pryor explains. “I am out and about all the time, and as a small business owner I can definitely identify with the members and people who want to become members. They are trying to reach out and grow their businesses in the community and want to work with one another to achieve that. My vision is to get us out more active in the community—whether it’s hosting events, young professional groups or volunteering.” Much of the volunteering includes being part of the Chamber of Commerce Common Good Foundation, which was created in 2008 as an extension of the chamber to enhance business outreach programs and encourage future businessmen and women to reach their goals and aspirations through a scholarship to a high school senior in area school districts. “When people trust one another, they want to do more business with each other.” For Pryor, it’s all about the community flourishing. “The Chamber isn’t just about business,” she says, “it’s about community and family—and supporting one another. We are not just a business-to-business organization that invites people to come to the Chamber and we’ll help them do a ribbon cutting and tell everybody about their business. We want to host events that are not only for the Chamber members, but also for their families and friends. That’s what this is all about. As much as we are online and in the digital age, we still need the people-to-people connection. If we can help incorporate this into the community through the Chamber, then I think we’re helping out the area.” For more information on upcoming South West Communities Chamber of Commerce events, visit n Chartiers Valley | Winter 2017 | 15