IN Chartiers Valley Spring 2022 | Page 4

Life-saving therapy after life-changing events .

When Tim Warco sat down for Thanksgiving dinner with his family , he had no idea how much he would soon be thankful for . Because that was the day his colon ruptured .
“ As a coroner of 47 years , I recognized what was happening and the peril I was in ,” Tim said . So his daughter called an ambulance and he was taken to the nearest hospital , where he had emergency surgery and a colostomy .
But here ’ s where the story gets even more interesting : “ I had just had knee replacement surgery ,” Tim said . “ Continuing rehabilitation therapy was vital to promoting the healthy movement of my new knee .” But due to the ruptured colon , the outpatient therapy he was to start that week was no longer an option . And due to the pandemic , the in-house rehabilitation unit at the hospital he was at was closed .
So the question became , what to do with Tim ? His surgeon recommended AHN Canonsburg , where he could receive the rehabilitation he needed to get life with his new knee off to the right start , and learn how to care for and live with the new ( temporary ) colostomy bag .
“ They gave me excellent care . The physical therapy was rigorous . They don ’ t let you just hang around ,” he said . “ But you know what they say , the harder the therapy , the better the recovery , and the less the pain .”

“ Canonsburg was my salvation physically and mentally . I can ’ t praise them enough .”

“ We enjoyed working with Tim ,” said AHN Dr . Debra Panucci . “ He came to us with complications — he was weak from having been in bed for a few days for the perforated colon and the surgery he had to undergo . And he hadn ’ t been able to do the therapy he needed for his knee to recover . But he ’ s a hard worker .”
Tim also received occupational therapy to learn how to cook , how to do laundry , and how to go up and down stairs again . “ We work to help people get back to as normal a life as possible ,” says Dr . Panucci . “ Whatever normal is for each individual .”
“ I ’ m 70 years old but I act like I ’ m 22 . I run at a high speed all the time . To have this happen was like being run over by a truck ,” he says . “ Canonsburg was my salvation physically and mentally . I can ’ t praise them enough .”


Source : mayoclinic . org / tests-procedures / knee-replacement / about / pac-20385276