990 Washington Pike ● Bridgeville ● Pennsylvania ● 15017
412.221.4100 ● ● [email protected]
Your 1 st Order of Business
Chamber Snapshot:
The South West Communities Chamber of
Commerce is a regional Chamber proudly serving the communities of Bridgeville, Collier,
Heidelberg, Scott, South Fayette and Upper St. Clair. For 90 years we have been a premier
advocacy organization for business, working to enhance the economic resources of our
region, encouraging the growth of existing businesses, and fostering the establishment of
new ones. We work diligently to establish and maintain relationships with local, state and
federal government, monitoring business-related legislation and its impact on the business
The benefits of membership are significant. The Chamber offers a full range of programs,
both educational and social, insurance and energy programs available only to members,
marketing opportunities, and more.
As a Chamber member you will join a roll of more than 400 businesses, social services, and
municipal agencies contributing to the economic health and well-being of our
communities, while exhibiting your commitment as a good “business neighbor”.
Membership in the South West Communities Chamber of Commerce gives you a
competitive edge in the regional business community, and is a great way to promote your
business. Join Today!
Mark Your Calendar
Aug 24
Escape to the Beach After Hours
hosted by Rumfish Grille
Sept 10
Gun Bash @ Bridgeville Fire Hall
Sept 14
Send Off Summer Networking Mixer
hosted by Crafty Jackalope
Sept 21
“Women Speak” Forum
and Networking Reception
Oct 12
A little bit of WINE, a little bit of
PAINT, a whole lot of FUN MIXER
hosted by Painting With A Twist
Non-members are welcome!
Call for details.
Call 412.221.4100 ● [email protected] ● visit
Welcome New Members!
A-Tech Refrigeration &
Mechanical Services
Bend the Bridge Yoga
Painting With a Twist
R. J. Bridges Corp.
Wide Open Auto Detailing
2016 Chamber Partners