The Mission of Our
Lady of Grace Catholic
School is to provide
a Christ centered
community focused
on Gospel values,
service, and academic
excellence in order to
foster a lifelong
relationship with God
and the Church.
1734 Bower Hill Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15243 • 412.279.6611
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
6 th Grade Students (Noah Smida, Mario Smith, Gregory Kraemer, and Will Sherman) at Our
Lady of Grace School collaborate on a physics experiment in the new LabLearner™ Lab.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Tours by Appointment beginning September 2016
The Carnegie Science Center announced
the 11 Allegheny County school districts
selected as the 2016-17 cohort for the
Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway. Our
Lady of Grace Catholic School was among
the schools selected. As a Pathway Partner,
Our Lady of Grace will receive support
through workshops at the Science Center,
professional development opportunities,
and Science on the Road programming at
their schools. Pathway Partners were selected
for this cohort through a competitive
4th Grade Students (Gretchen Klauss and Evan Conroy)
Trey Varley and Mario Smith participate in the Western
process. Our Lady of Grace demonstrated a
explore circuits using Little Bits.™
Pennsylvania First Lego League Challenge robotics
commitment to adopting best practices in
STEM education and STEM leadership. The
curriculum for preschool through eighth grade which also included
Pathway is a process of continuous improvement that provides
a remodeled laboratory. The school has also recently added an
guidance to diverse schools – both well-resourced and under
outdoor classroom to create awareness of the world through
resourced – on how best to address the challenge of strengthening
experiential learning. The goals of STEM education include inquiry
their STEM programming. Each school district (or individual
based Science and Math, an interdisciplinary approach, project
school) first evaluates itself on 20 criteria pertinent to quality STEM
based learning, and exposure to STEM related fields. The importance
education and then develops a tailored strategy to identify and
of STEM education cannot be emphasized enough as to be citizens
address specific self-defined goals, which are reinforced throughout
of the 21st century, all students must have a basic understanding
the students’ experiences in the classroom and during out-ofof each of the four disciplines and the ability to solve problems and
school time. These strategies may include teacher professional
work cooperatively.
development, curriculum planning, modification of existing
The addition of LabLearner™ and other STEM programs is
operational practices, incorporation of career awareness, and an
expected to have a direct impact on Math, Science, and Language
overall culture shift as it pertains to STEM education. To date, the
Arts scores for our students. Even our youngest students have
Pathway has attracted 240 participating schools or districts – or
expressed an increased interest in Science. This comes as a result
“Pathway Partners” – in 17 states and the District of Columbia,
of weekly hands-on, inquiry based laboratory class from preschool
serving 3.8 million students. In Pennsylvania, there are 85 Pathway
through eighth grade. Older students have expressed that the new
curriculum is more challenging but enjoy it because they know it
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School has met the criteria and will
will benefit them in the future. Students also receive the benefit
continue the process of improving STEM education this fall by
of an education infused with the values of our Catholic Faith. Not
developing an implementation plan based on best practices used
only will they have the knowledge necessary to be successful
at the existing cohort schools. After the implementation plan is
academically but they will have been taught the importance of
completed, the schools will be eligible to apply for mini grants and
being socially responsible through serving others and by examples
Science on the Road programs and will have special opportunities
set by Faculty and Staff.
for teachers to attend the Teacher Excellence Academy. Our Lady
Our Lady of Grace School puts Faith in Education!
of Grace Catholic School has currently adopted the LabLearner™
Chartiers Valley | Fall 2016 | 25