In the early ’90s it was considered revo-
lutionary to connect libraries via rebuilt fax
machines. Today, all 73 service locations
across the county are connected through
a 10Gbps fiber ring supporting 3,500
networked devices, a shared operating
system, high-speed internet and universal
Wi-Fi. There is a centralized automated
sorting system for movement of materi-
als, self-check options, and access
to downloadable books, videos
and audios for all residents. ACLA
libraries freely share their resources
countywide across municipal
ACLA libraries are at the
epicenter of shifts in ed-
ucation and workforce
development. Today
you’ll find STEM
programs, Maker Space
centers, media labs, tech
clinics, parenting workshops, kindergarten
readiness classes, coding workshops, self-
publishing support, and countless other
opportunities. Libraries help prepare students
for first-time job success, assist job seekers
with resumes and placement, provide basic
skills training and support small business
While it’s important to celebrate the suc-
cess of the last 25 years, ACLA and its mem-
ber libraries will continue to face challenges
as we move into the future. Constant changes
in technology, pressure on the ARAD to fund
a wider range of assets, the growing demands
of residents for current information and new
formats, and the continued need to diversify
library funding are just a few of the issues that
remain. However, now libraries are build-
ing on the strong foundation of countywide
cooperation that has been established.
I encourage everyone to stop by and
experience what your local library has to
offer. Whether you are looking for reading
materials, children’s programs, job placement
support, or even a place to get away, visit any
local library or go to to
find out more. n
By Marilyn Jenkins, Executive Director, ACLA
Carlynton-Montour | Summer 2017 | 17