IN Canon Mac Winter 2024 | Page 48


For additional information about Home Heating Fires please visit nfpa . org . If you need assistance with the installation of smoke alarms within your home , please feel free to contact the North Strabane Township Fire Department at 724.745.1010 and we will be happy to assist you . orth Strabane NORTH STRABANE TOWNSHIP NEWS

Home Heating Fires
According to the NFPA fire departments throughout the country respond to nearly 50,000 residential structure fires that were caused by heating equipment , resulting in more than 500 fatalities , 1,350 civilian casualties , and an estimated $ 1.1 billion in property damage ( Campbell , 2021 ). As the leading cause of fires in homes throughout the United States , 1 in 7 fires that occurred from 2014 – 2018 were caused by home heating equipment accounting for 19 % of home fire fatalities ( Campbell , 2021 ). Space heaters were found to be responsible for two out of five fires , accounting for nearly 81 % of the deaths associated with residential fires caused by home heating equipment ( Campbell , 2021 ).
Residential fires involving home heating equipment can be avoided with a few simple steps . These steps include :
• Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment
• Maintain a three-foot kid-free zone around home fireplaces and space heaters
• Never use your oven to heat your home
• Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment , water heaters , and central heating equipment in accordance with local codes and manufacture recommunication ’ s
• Have heating equipment and chimney ’ s inspected and cleaned every year by a qualified professional
• Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving a room or going to bed
• Always use the appropriate type of fuel , as specified by the manufacturer , for fuel-burning space heaters
• Ensure that the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop embers from flying into the room . Make sure that ashes are cool before placing them in a bin for removal .
North Strabane Township recognizes the importance of snow removal , not only to residents , but to everyone who needs to travel to or through our community . The township utilizes a snow management plan to safely clear all public roads within the township quickly and efficiently . Based on traffic flow , roads are divided into primary ( main ), secondary ( collector and through ), and tertiary ( dead-end and cul-de-sac ) roads .
Plowing will begin when it is determined that at least two inches of snow can be measured on the road . The first priority is to clear all primary roads , including school bus routes . This work generally takes five to six hours after snow stops falling . Crews begin plowing secondary roads after clearing and opening all primary roads and school bus routes . Please be patient with snow removal .
Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
It is important to ensure that appliances such as furnaces , stoves , water heaters , and fireplaces are properly working . These appliances , when not working properly , are associated with carbon monoxide ( CO ) which is also known as the “ Invisible Killer ” because it ’ s a colorless and odorless poisonous gas . Each year more than 150 people die in the United States from accidental non-fire related carbon monoxide poisoning ( U . S . Fire Adminstration , 2022 ). Due to the odorless , colorless , and otherwise undetectable to the human senses , people may not know they are being exposed , which is why having working CO detectors on each level of your home is important . Symptoms of CO poisoning are similar to the flu and include headaches , fatigue , shortness of breath , nausea , and dizziness . High levels of CO poisoning result in progressively more severe symptoms including mental confusion , vomiting , loss of muscular coordination , loss of consciousness , and ultimately death . To avoid the possibility of CO poisoning , please maintain appliances associated with CO in accordance with manufacture recommendations and install / maintain carbon monoxide detectors on each level of your home .
Snow Shoveling Guidelines It shall be unlawful to throw and / or shovel snow into or upon any roads and streets within the Township from adjoining property with the intent of allowing such snow to remain on such roads and streets .
Please keep in mind on street parking is prohibited . This hinders the plow trucks drivers plus additionally becomes a safety issue and adds time to the police to address the issue .