IN Canon-Mac Summer 2024 | Page 42


North Strabane Township Municipal Authority is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the MAIN sanitary sewer lines that service your home . The homeowner is responsible for their sewer lateral on the property ( from the house to the main line ).
NSTMA serves approximately 6,200 customers , with approximately 250 miles of main sanitary sewer line , 3000 manholes , 11 pump stations and 2 package treatment plants .
April Showers bring May Flowers or More Rain ????
So says the old saying ! Sanitary sewer main lines are designed to convey sanitary sewage only from the home to the CHJA Treatment Plant . During wet weather events ( rain or snow melt ), too much stormwater infiltrates into the sanitary sewer system . These main lines are not designed to handle extra volume of stormwater during heavy rain events . When stormwater enters the main sanitary system , it can cause raw sewage overflows into our waterways and basements . Stormwater is designed to be carried in a separate sewer system and discharged directly into streams and waterways .
What is a Sanitary Sewer Overflow and WHY is the issue important to me ?
Overflows not only violate the Federal Clean Water Act , but they cause a host of other problems for the community and the region as a whole . Raw sewage in our waterways causes a public health risk . Sewage discharged into the waterways often flows downstream into water treatment plant intakes . Water quality may be unacceptable for boating , swimming or fishing for many days after it stops raining . Overflows can kill fish and other river and plant life . As much as 50 % -60 % of inflow and infiltration comes from leaking household laterals and illegally connected roof and foundation drains . The average daily wastewater flow in the sewer system is 100 gallons per person per day . During wet weather , so much additional stormwater gets into the sewer system through infiltration and inflow that the 100 gallon per person average can rise to 200-3,000 gallons per person , which overloads the sewer system ’ s carrying capacity .
Families in downstream communities may experience chronic basement backups . Children can be exposed to raw
40 NORTH STRABANE sewage from overflowing manholes in the street or by playing in streams and creeks . It impedes economic development because tap bans may be imposed restricting new houses or businesses from tapping into sewers until the problem is corrected .
What is my role as a homeowner ?
Regular maintenance of your lateral / sewer will help to identify defects in the pipe as well as problems waiting to happen . Contracting with a plumber to televise and inspect your sewer lateral with a specialized closed circuit television camera will also identify if groundwater is leaking into the system during wet weather . Check your downspouts and sump pumps to ensure they are not improperly connected to the sanitary sewer system . If your storm drains are connected to the sanitary sewer system , you must remove this prohibited connection .
Rain Barrel Consider installing a rain barrel in your yard or garden . During wet weather , the barrel collects stormwater through your home ’ s downspout . During dry weather , a hose connected to the barrel allows water to seep out to water your yard or garden . This helps to control stormwater , which contributes to sewage overflows polluting our waterways . Fixing the problem in our Township will require a substantial financial investment . While the Authority is seeking the most cost-effective methods for a solution , homeowners can expect higher sewage rates over the coming years . We all need to work together to reduce the effects of wet weather . It will take the cooperation and support of residents and communities to ensure a solution that will protect our region ’ s water resources .