IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 14


Family Cats Inspire Book Series

Canonsburg resident and author Lauren Reichenbach releases her newest children ’ s book , “ In the City with Keena and Kylee .”


It ’ s certainly fun to learn that an accomplished children ’ s author , whose works have reached kids all over the world , lives in your community !

Lauren Reichenbach , 41 , resides in Canonsburg with her husband , Lou , and two daughters , Elise and Jocelyn . Lauren and Lou both met and grew up in Bethel Park .
Reichenbach has a bachelor ’ s degree in business administration from Clarion University of PA and an associate degree in nursing from CCAC . She is a licensed registered nurse and currently works for UPMC , in addition to fielding a variety of interests outside of writing .
“ I consider myself a foodie and enjoy trying a variety of foods from different cultures while also enjoying cooking myself and trying new recipes ,” she says . “ I have always enjoyed photography , especially capturing the amazing sunsets in North Strabane .”
Reichenbach worked as a pediatric psychiatric nurse for 10 years and always enjoyed reading to her patients . “ If children were having a hard time , I ’ d have them choose a book and I ’ d read it . It always helped them to relax ,” she recalls .
As a mother , Reichenbach loves reading with her children . “ Now that we have our own little library at home , I have enjoyed seeing the creativity that goes into every children ’ s book ,” she says . “ Each book is special and unique in its own way . I have always loved to play around with rhymes and would write a little here and there . When the pandemic started , I had some extra time to devote to my hobby , so I created my series . It was therapeutic to escape in my writing during a time of uncertainty .”
Reichenbach currently has three published children ’ s books that are part of the same series about two kittens — Keena and Kylee — who love to learn and explore . They love meeting new friends and learning life lessons along the way . The first book is called “ Adventures with Keena and Kylee ” and the second is “ Off to School with Keena and Kylee .” The third , and latest , book is “ In the City with Keena and Kylee .”
“ The inspiration behind the Keena and Kylee books come from our family ’ s actual cats — also named Keena and Kylee ,” explains Reichenbach , “ both with very different personalities , yet sweet and curious fur friends .
“ I was excited to create my latest release as it takes place in Pittsburgh ,” she continues . “ It was so much fun working on this one and incorporating some of the great landmarks of the city . Anyone from Pittsburgh knows the delightful feeling of going through the tunnels and being greeted with our beautiful city as you exit ! Or maybe spending a relaxing day at Point State Park . These are a few highlights you can find in the new book .”
All of the books in Reichenbach ’ s series are rhyming books intended to make for a memorable and enjoyable reading experience . Rhyming also helps the young reader promote phonemic awareness and strengthen reading skills . The books are perfect for ages 3-8 .
Paperback and eBook versions are available on Amazon . com and hardcovers are available on the Barnes & Noble website .
Read-aloud YouTube videos have been created for each book and can be found by typing the title of the book into the search bar on the YouTube site .
Reichenbach is also currently scheduling book signing events for whomever might be interested in hosting . “ I would be happy to work with some of the area ’ s animal shelters and make a donation as a thank-you for hosting the event ,” she says .
Excited to grow and continue her journey of creating more children ’ s books in the future , Reichenbach is currently working with a very talented illustrator in England who is designing her latest work — a book called “ I am a Nut .”
“ It is a picture book about a nut with a personality !” she explains . “ At the beginning of the story , the nut is focused on its negative attributes . Halfway through the book , the nut is then reminded of its positive traits and the story ends with selfacceptance . This book also instills positive self-esteem and selfconfidence . I am very excited to see it come to life !” n
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