A message from
Peggy Tseng,
Library Director
At Frank Sarris Public Library, we’re putting a “spring” in
our step as we prepare for our season of family-friendly
programming. I’m excited to announce that our popular
Trivia Night of the Round Tables event is scheduled for
Saturday, April 25. Teams compete for a cash prize with gift
cards raffled off throughout the evening. Each team can
Peggy Tseng,
be comprised of four to six players – a great opportunity to
Library Director
play with friends, family or neighbors. Registration forms
are located at our main circulation desk, so pick one up today!
Our children’s staff is also getting ready for our summer reading program. The theme
of the 2020 summer reading program is “Imagine Your Story.” This year’s theme will
place a particular focus on children’s literature within the genre of fantasy. As always,
we hope that families will make Frank Sarris Public Library part of their summer plans.
Summer reading allows children to maintain their reading skills during the season and
helps them develop lifelong positive attitudes about reading, books, and the library.
As a reminder, our library offers access to apps that can be downloaded onto a
mobile device or tablet. On Flipster, you can read popular magazines including Time,
Reader’s Digest, and People. Libby is an easy way to borrow eBooks, audio books or
read-a-long books using Overdrive. Don’t forget about Kanopy, an on-demand film
streaming service. For more information, check out the Resources page on our website
I’ll see you around town.
Teen Writers’ Club – Are you a student in
grades 7-12 who enjoys writing? Whether you
enjoy writing fiction, poetry, short stories or
more, stop by to meet like-minded teens. We will
write, share and support each other through the
creative process. Email questions to Beth Kairush
at [email protected]. Monday, 4/20,
6-7 p.m.
Open Monday-Thursday
10 a.m.-8 p.m., Fridays and
Saturdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Free parking and entrance are
located off of Murdock Street.
Teen Advisory Board (grades 7-12) –
Meet to plan, organize and lead activities
that will engage and benefit members of
the community. New members welcome.
Monday, 4/6, 6-7 p.m.
FSPL Book Club – We will be discussing
The Nest by Cynthia Sweeney in the
Genealogy Room on 1st floor of library. New
members always welcome! Wednesday, 4/8,
1 p.m.
Poetry Reading – Emotions Unleashed by
Edward Bonner. Join a local area poet and
author, Edward Bonner, as he shares his
personal poetry. Wednesday, 4/8, 6:30 p.m.
724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Saturday STEM and Stories – Create a light-up
bug! Join us for a story, followed by a self-guided
exploration of a STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) concept. Ages 5 and up.
Register at Children’s Circulation Desk. Saturday,
4/25, 11 a.m.
Trivia Night of the Round Tables – Grab some
friends and pool your knowledge together at
our after-hours trivia competition. Open to
teens, adults, and families (with children ages
12+). Teams will compete for a cash first prize,
answering questions from multiple categories.
The fee is $5/person and teams can have 4-6
people/team. Space is limited; register by April
Building Strong
and Vibrant
Communities –
Your Local
Library Matters
22. Registration forms are available at the library or
through our website. Saturday, 4/25, 6 p.m.
Family Day -– Join us as we celebrate families of
all shapes and sizes. We’ll share a story and do an
activity centered on families. Saturday, 5/2,
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Teen Advisory Board (grades 7-12) – Meet to
plan, organize and lead activities that will engage
and benefit members of the community. New
members welcome. Monday, 5/4, 6-7 p.m.
Saturday STEM and Stories – Code a necklace
for Mom! Join us for a story, followed by a self-
guided exploration of a STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) concept. Ages 5 and up.
Register at Children’s Circulation Desk. Saturday,
5/9, 11 a.m.
FSPL Book Club – We will be discussing The
Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith in the
Genealogy Room on 1st floor of library. New
members always welcome! Wednesday, 5/13,
1 p.m.
Teen Writers’ Club – Are you a student in grades
7-12 who enjoys writing? Whether you enjoy
writing fiction, poetry, short stories or more, stop