IN Canon-Mac Fall 2024 | Page 4

Dennis ’ s relationship with his PCP saved his life .

Dennis ’ s relationship with his PCP saved his life .

In December 2023 , Dennis Daley began having trouble breathing . He thought it was related to COVID-19 , which he ’ d had the month prior . “ It wasn ’ t too bad at first ,” he said . But by May , he ’ d gone from swimming , running , weightlifting , and biking 20 miles regularly to barely being able to walk across the parking lot at work . Concerned this might be more than lingering effects of the virus , he saw his primary care physician ( PCP ), Vincent Trapanotto , AHN DO , Internal Medicine . “ Within seconds of putting the stethoscope to my chest , Dr . Trapanotto said , ‘ I think you have an irregular heartbeat .’”
Dr . Trapanotto arranged a cardiogram ( EKG ) to see what was going on . The test revealed Dennis had atrial flutter , which occurs when a short circuit in the heart causes the upper chambers to pump very rapidly . Diagnosing and treating atrial flutter is critical , not only because of its symptoms , but because it can also cause a stroke . Dennis was put on medication to slow his heart rate , as well as a blood thinner to reduce the risk of stroke . To gain even more clarity around next steps , Dr . Trapanotto referred Dennis to Mark Greathouse , MD , an AHN cardiovascular physician , for a cardiac workup .
“ Our concern was that his irregular flutter had been going on for a while and had impaired his heart function ,” said Dr . Trapanotto . The workup included an echocardiogram to check the structure and function of Dennis ’ s heart and a stress test to rule out any blockages . Dennis also wore a heart monitor for two weeks . Results revealed Dennis ’ s heart function had been cut in half . Dennis ’ s medication was altered to improve his heart function and control the speed of the heart rate . But his heart rhythm still needed to be normalized . Dr . Greathouse referred Dennis to his colleague , Travis Wilson , MD , an AHN cardiologist who specializes in cardioversion . Cardioversion uses quick , low-energy shocks to restore a regular heart rhythm . “ My heart reset to normal with the first try ,” said Dennis . Since the procedure , Dennis has gradually been able to get back to the things he loves — one activity at a time .
“ Boy did I learn my lesson . I waited almost six months to see Dr . Trapanotto and that caused my heart to deteriorate . What would have happened if I hadn ’ t made that appointment ?,” Dennis asked . “ I had the ultimate trust in him before May , and I have even more now . I continually got better with each protocol and procedure he coordinated .”

“ Dr . Trapanotto was the quarterback who diagnosed the flutter , then brought the team of specialists together for me .”

— Dennis Daley