IN Canon-Mac Fall 2024 | Page 30

College students incur an average of $ 38,000 in debt as they graduate , setting them up to start out in the red as they enter the working world . Making college more affordable is on the minds of many higher education leaders , encouraging them and others to take a harder look at long-term solutions to help students avoid taking on large amounts of debt . But in the meantime , cost is a huge barrier for many students across the country who have hopes to pursue higher education .
Many parents try to ease that burden for their kids by saving over the years , but even then , parents find themselves averaging $ 35,000 in loan debt post-graduation . Overall , almost 45 million Americans have student loan debt according to recent data from the U . S . Department of Education , leaving many potential applicants wondering if the investment will pay off .
The enrollment crisis for colleges and universities across the nation has been going on for years . Some high school graduates and college students have instead been seeking out jobs , since the pot is sweetened for entry-level roles as companies try to fill their talent pipelines .
According to a survey conducted by ResumeBuilder , more than half of the hiring managers surveyed said they lowered the education requirements for entry-level positions , stating they did so due to the labor shortage .
Although some high school grads are choosing to start their careers , data does show that first-time freshman college enrollment is up , and higher education leaders are looking at a variety of ways to satisfy students ’ desire for flexible learning models and to reverse enrollment declines .
To make higher education more attainable for all , we have been seeing a shift toward a digital-first approach . Online learning continues to grow in popularity , with most , if not all , institutions establishing options for partial or full online learning capabilities .
This option provides both students and professors the ability to learn or teach from virtually anywhere anytime . Students who may have been unable to relocate to the school of their dreams now have the opportunity to enroll in that school , or another one anywhere in the world .
A flexible learning structure also makes it possible for working students to complete schoolwork after their workday , providing an additional incentive for those whose employers offer tuition reimbursement .
The competition for suitable employees is fierce as the labor shortage continues , leaving companies and corporations to choose from a limited pool of talent . Many organizations are losing out on talent due to higher wages or additional incentives able to be offered by larger or more-established employers .
Corporations are stepping up their recruitment game , partnering with educational institutions to ensure that classroom curriculum aligns with the job skills they require . Many of these corporate-institution partnerships result in placement programs that provide students with a job after graduation — a win-win-win for all parties involved .
These trends give us a hopeful outlook for students entering college or the workforce ( or both ) this year .
The demand for talent continues to rise for all industries , so choosing just one path may be challenging when there is so much opportunity out there . Students looking to enroll in a college or university should take time to explore their strengths and passions .
As Mark Twain once said , “ Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life .” While that may not always feel true , it is important to find value in the work you do . When choosing a college major , think about what fuels you , what interests spark joy , and what you could see yourself doing until retirement .
Almost all industries are looking for talent , but the following majors are in demand , according to Indeed . com :
• Nursing – Health care workers are true heroes . Nursing has had a steady employment rate for years , and continues to grow . With the once largest generation of Baby Boomers entering later stages of life , and the now largest generation of Millennials having children , nurses are still in high demand for our increasing population .
• Computer Science – This major can span many industries and focuses on computer hardware and software . The current advancements in technology have computer science majors learning about robotics , natural language recognition , and artificial intelligence , among other fields . Careers with this degree include IT consultant , information systems manager , database administrator , game developer , and technical writer .
• Business Administration – If you ’ re not quite sure what career path to take , business administration could be a good option . This degree could open doors to industries large and small , allowing your skills to be versatile . Business administrators typically work in an office setting and hold managerial positions .
• Accounting – Another major that is in demand across industries is accounting . You can find accountants working for organizations ranging from nonprofits to professional sports teams . If math is a strong suit for you , this major could open a lot of opportunities to choose a company or field that both aligns with your overall passions and capitalizes on your strengths in the day-to-day role .
• Physical Therapy – Due to an increasing aging population , physical therapists are in high demand . Working in this field , you could find a job in a hospital , rehab facility , or even with a sports team . Because physical therapists can work in several different areas , the unemployment rate is low .
• Medical Assistance – Another role in the health care industry , medical assistants support doctors and other health care professionals in a clinical setting . Most only need an associate degree from a two-year college to get started .
• Software Engineering – Interested in learning another language … programming language , that is ! The rapidly advancing field of software engineering involves the scientific
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