IN Canon-Mac Fall 2022 | Page 34


Junior Achievement of Western PA Call for Nominations :

JA will again profile 18 young regional leaders in second honoree class
Junior Achievement of Western PA ( JA ) is again looking to showcase and celebrate 18 youths through the initiative 18 Under Eighteen . Earlier this year , the organization recognized the inaugural class , which represented a diverse cross-section of students from the Greater Pittsburgh region to Erie and Cambria counties . The inaugural class has varied backgrounds and each individual has demonstrated an eagerness to make a difference .
JA is seeking nominations for the second class and will begin accepting nominations now through Oct . 28 , with selected candidates debuting on Jan . 10 . An awards presentation will take place in Pittsburgh in February 2023 .
Students selected for 18 Under Eighteen will represent a wide range of strengths , interests and skills that embody how they have distinguished themselves as leaders and role models , using their abilities to succeed in raising money , volunteering , and / or engaging in entrepreneurial pursuits . Candidates will be chosen by a diverse panel of judges in the corporate , nonprofit , community and educational sectors of our region .
“ This program is a way for JA to honor students from across our region who have demonstrated leadership on and off the field ,” said Patrice Matamoros , president of Junior Achievement of Western PA . “ We are excited to discover another talented and passionate group and connect them to opportunities that can propel them in their personal and professional journeys .”
JA will accept nominations for individuals 18 years or younger residing in the 56-county footprint of western PA and northern WV . Parents , teachers , and peers can nominate individuals electronically at westernpa . ja . org . Nominations will close Oct . 28 at 12 p . m .
“ Last year , we connected many of the honorees to additional opportunities that led to benefits such as scholarships or new relationships . We are committed to helping them in any way we can ,” said Matamoros .
Organizations looking to support 18 Under Eighteen can contact Bill Lucas at blucas @ jawesternpa . org .
To learn more about 18 Under Eighteen , please visit westernpa . ja . org .
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