IN Canon-Mac Fall 2016 | Page 58

Pictured , left to right : Brandon Bennett , Michael Daniels , Daniel Crowell and Gianna Heasley . anon-Mac CANON-MAC SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS

CM Congratulates its Western Area Career and Technology Center Outstanding Seniors

We wanted to recognize — and give a huge shout out to — Canon-McMillan ’ s 2016 outstanding Western Area Careen and Technology Center seniors ! These four students were recognized by their teacher for excellence in their areas of study .

Congratulations are in order for :
• Brandon Bennett , Outstanding Computer Repair and Networking Senior — Here ’ s what Brandon ’ s teacher , Kurt Blanock said about him : “ Brandon is a high achiever who earned an advanced score on his NOCTI exam . He not only masters the theoretical aspects of computer repair and networking , he is able to apply this knowledge to practical situations on a daily basis , working for the center as a coop technician . A natural leader , Mr . Bennett often takes charge of group projects providing guidance to the younger students .”
• Daniel Crowell , Outstanding Mechatronics Senior — Here is what his teacher , Tim Angert said about him : “ Daniel exemplifies the capabilities of a mechatronics student . He is someone who has both the knowledge and skills to solve complex problems using his hands and his brain — a student who can go into engineering or become a technician . Over the past three years , Daniel has never backed away from a challenge . Instead , he has approached them with enthusiasm and the desire to learn . He has consistently
56 Canon-Mac applied his existing knowledge to learn new skills and solve problems . He has been a role model for his peers by being one of the hardest-working students , as well as consistently earning the highest grades . I am sure that Daniel will be successful in his future endeavors at college and in his career .”
• Giana Heasley , Outstanding Cosmetology Senior — Here is what her teachers , Kim Anderson and Linda Heim had to say about her : “ It has been a pleasure to have had spent three years with Gianna . She has worked through difficult times throughout her high school years , and yet she has prevailed . Gianna has competed in competitions , all while keeping her composure throughout the experiences . She has been working in a salon for two years as an assistant . Gianna has completed her Cosmetology hours ( 1,250 ) and is awaiting her state board licensing exam and will remain in the same salon as a stylist .”
• Theo Mikula — Here is what his teacher , Tanya Decker , said about him : “ Theo Mikula has been an excellent student and displays professionalism and a desire for in-depth learning . He cheerfully assists other students and passes on what he has learned . He is well liked by his employer and has multiple offers for employment and a great future ahead of him .”