IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Spring 2020 | Page 62
Super STEAM Challenges
In the first half of the year, the fourth-grade students at Elroy Elementary have been participating in different STEAM-related challenges.
Fourth-grade teachers, Mrs. Very and Mrs. Dobson, along with the STEAM and technology teacher, Mrs. Smeltz, have provided students
with different STEAM-related challenges. Spaghetti Tower, Paper Chain, and Marshmallow Bridge are some of the exciting challenges the
students have faces.
These challenges have allowed students to problem-solve in a unique and collaborative manner engaging in hands-on learning that
requires various skills to come up with a solution in a creative and unique way. The challenges also help students learn about teamwork,
collaboration, perseverance, and encouraging each other. Our next challenge will involve a cross-curricular project with ELA, Science, and
Hummingbird robotics kits. Follow us on Twitter, @smeltztech, to see what new and exciting projects the students will be creating!
The Importance of Music and Art
in Child Development
Many studies have been done about the importance of music and art
in early development of children. Music exposure can accelerate brain
development, language acquisition, and reading skills. Learning to play
an instrument can improve math skills. Music improves the body-brain
connection and allows the body and the brain to work together. Several
studies have shown that exposure to music helps children speak more
clearly and strengthens social and emotional skills. If a child dances to
music, he is using his motor skills. If he sings along to music, he practices
vocalization. Both actions allow for self-expression and can build self-
esteem. Parents play an important role in a child’s musical development.
Music can be used to help express happiness, sadness, anger, and to
calm a child. Younger school-age children love to sing. They enjoy songs
about counting, the alphabet or songs meant to help them remember
facts. Older school-age children begin to develop preferences for different
types of music. They might begin to show an interest in learning to play
an instrument. Our third graders at Elroy are introduced to the recorder
and will be able to try different instruments at the end of the year to begin
lessons next school year.
Just as music helps the brain development, artistic expression is
important too. Art is a non-verbal language used to express ideas and
emotions. The artistic process helps us tap into our activity and soothe our souls. Exposure to art activities helps to stimulate the brain
through sound, movement and color. These activities strengthen and exercise the brain. Engaging in art activities stimulates both sides
of the brain. In addition, art expressions improve memorization, attention, and concentration. Art can aid in developing reading skills,
improving performance in math and science, and help in learning new concepts. As children get older, art experiences can help improve
self-esteem, provide opportunities for self-expression and allow children to learn to work together. Art can also help children learn
persistence and consistency. Our new Art teacher at Elroy has provided many opportunities for our students to express themselves using
art as a medium. We are very fortunate at Elroy Elementary to have a great and passionate music and art teacher.