IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Spring 2017 | Page 49


From the Office of Fay Boland, Tax Collector


You should receive your borough real estate tax bill by March 7th. If you have not received your bill you can email me at fboland @ donnelly-boland. com or call me at 412.882.5383 x1129 and I can email your tax bill to you. If you leave a message please leave your email address. Also, Brentwood Borough does not have an installment program nor can I accept credit card payments.
As you may be aware, your Borough taxes cover the calendar year. Therefore, when you pay your Borough Taxes, you are paying for January 1st through December 31st of that year. In previous years the borough did not bill for this covered time until July of that year.
Brentwood Borough collection timeframe will begin in March. So just your Borough taxes, or the Yellow Bill, will be mailed out by March 1st and the collection calendar will be as follows:
* March 1st through April 30th you will pay the discount amount due.
* May 1st through June 30th you will pay the face amount due.
* July 1st through September 10th you will pay the penalty amount due.
I will be closing out the year for Borough Taxes on January 5th, 2018 and this will be the last day you are able to pay your Borough Taxes to me. I will then turn over the delinquent taxes to Jordan Tax Service for collection.
The School District tax bill( Blue Bill) collection calendar and the covered tax period will remain the same. The covered tax period for Brentwood School District is July 1st of the Calendar year through June 30th of the next calendar year, or the School Year. Brentwood School District will allow the taxpayers to pay in three installments.
If you chose to pay the installment amounts you will essentially pay the face amount in three installments, due as follows:
* July 1st through August 31st the first installment is due * September 1st through October 31st the second installment is due * November 1st through December 31st the last installment is due.
I will be closing out the tax year for the School District on January 5th of the following year and this will be the last day you are able to pay your School District Taxes to me. I will then turn over the delinquent taxes to Jordan tax Service for collection.
As always you can pay in person at 3730 Brownsville Road. It is the pink building in between St. Sylvester Church and The Brentwood Medical Building.
My office hours are as follows and this is the only time you can get a receipt in person Tuesdays— 9am to 12pm Thursdays— 12pm to 3pm
These office hours are in effect from March 1st through October 31st. Between November 1st and February 28th office hours are by appointment only.

If you would like to drop off your taxes at another time there are two drop boxes within the alcove of the building. Please do not give your payment to the personnel who are working within the office as they are not authorized to accept your payment. There is also a mail slot on the front of the building that will allow the resident to drop their taxes off in a secure location if the office is not opened. Please do not use the drop box in the drive-thru as I can no longer open that safe and your payment will not be received or processed. rentwood



The collection period for Brentwood School District is as follows:
If you chose to pay the total amount:
* July 1st through August 31st you will pay the discount amount total.
* September 1st through October 31st you will pay the face amount total.
* November 1st through January 10th you will pay the penalty amount total.
Since March 31, 2017 is the last day to submit an assessment appeal, you should carefully review your assessed valuation when you get your bill. For assessment appeal forms go to http:// alleghenycounty. us / opa / aforms. aspx and fill out the appropriate paperwork.
If you have any other questions you can visit my website at www. brentwoodtaxcollector. com or call me at 412.882.5383 x1129.
Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2017 | icmags. com 47