IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Spring 2017 | Page 32

before Brush Run Road , then return north and cross the J . R . Taylor Bridge to the finish line . The race ’ s modest size and the trail ’ s comfortable width permit walkers to start behind the runners and obtain an official time if they wish .
Spring Inspiration
Bethel Park Library Button Club Date : April 26 Time : 11 a . m . Address : 5100 West Library Avenue , Bethel Park Contact : bethelparklibrary . org , or 412.835.2207
Button , Button , Who ’ s got the Button Club ? The Bethel Park Library does on the fourth Wednesday of each month . Are you looking for a new hobby ? Buttons are beautiful , historical , inexpensive , and fun to collect . Polly Power from the Keystone Button Club of Western PA leads the library button club . For more information , call the library , or visit the website .
Classic Movie Tuesday Date : April 11 Time : 2 p . m . Address : Brentwood Library , 3501 Brownsville Road , Brentwood Contact : brentwoodpubliclibrary . org , or 412.882.5694
Get out this spring with friends and enjoy a classic movie at the library on a big-screen TV ! Snacks are provided to satisfy your appetite , and you can also bring your own . No registration is required – just come , sit down and relax . A list of movie titles is available in the library . Call or visit the website for more information .
Green Tree Garden Club Spring ‘ n Things Sale Date : May ( Check the website for exact date and time .) Address : Carlisle Social Hall , 10 West Manilla Avenue , Green Tree Contact : greentreeboro . com / gardenclub . html
Freshen things up this spring and support the garden club ’ s charitable causes with the purchase of flowers and plants , baked items , flea market items , a basket raffle and crafts . Enjoy gardening ? New club members are always welcome ! Check the website for more information .
Origami Paper Crafts Workshop Date : May 27 Time : 1 to 2 p . m . Address : Dormont Public Library , 2950 West Liberty Avenue , Dormont Contact : dormontlibrary . org , or 412.531.8754
By popular demand , our Origami Paper Crafts workshops will be continuing ! Sessions are held on the fourth Saturday of each month . This program is open to adults , teens , and children third grade and up . You can see some photos of our previous workshops on Facebook . Registration is requested for this program . To register or for more information , call or visit the website .
South Arts Pittsburgh Friday Painters Date : Every Friday Time : 10 a . m . Address : The Historic Schoolhouse , 2600 South Park Road , Bethel Park Contact : southartspittsburgh . org
Develop your artistic talents this spring ! Bring whatever you are working on and join our group . The coffee is on . We help each other , have fun and instruction is available . Best of all it ’ s FREE to members and non-members ! Bring a friend and join us ! South Arts Pittsburgh is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1984 to meet the growing need for a dynamic regional arts center to serve the South Hills community . Visit the website for more information .
Spring Book and Bake Sale at Baldwin Public Library Dates : May 16-20 Address : Baldwin Borough Public Library , 41 Macek Drive , Baldwin Contact : baldwinborolibrary . org , or 412.885.2255
Pick up some spring reads and delicious baked goods to benefit the library ! The Friends of the Baldwin Library members work together to provide two Used Book Sales for the community each year . Each sale coincides with the spring and fall national election dates . Visit the website for more information .
Tri-Community Anglers Association Date : April 4 Address : Jefferson Hills Library , 925 Old Clairton Road , Jefferson Hills Contact : jeffersonhillslibrary . org , or 412.973.7262
Learn more about fishing this spring ! A representative from the Peters Creek Watershed Association will provide background on the Peters Creek watershed . We will discuss the Tri-Community Anglers Association activities and fishing in Peters Creek and Piney Fork . Orvis Pittsburgh will provide a flytying / fly-fishing demonstration . Visit the website for more information .
For Foodies
Arts and Chocolate Spectacular Date : April ( Check the website for the exact date and time .) Address : Upper St . Clair Community and Recreation Center in Boyce
Mayview Park , 1551 Mayview Road , Upper St . Clair Contact : twpusc . org / events , or 412.221.1099
The whole family will enjoy a day filled with treats and entertainment ! Sample and purchase sweet treats from local chocolatiers and bakeries , watch live dance and music performances by amateur artists , and stroll through the student art gallery . Also , create a masterpiece of your own or become a living canvas as you visit the children ’ s tent for craft making , face painting , and T-shirt screen printing . Event admission is FREE . Some activities and food will have a small fee . Visit the website for more information .
The Cooking Club Date : April 19 Time : 5:30 p . m . Address : Scott Township Library , 301 Lindsay Road , Scott Township Contact : scottlibrary . org , or 412.429.5380
Do you love to cook ? This spring , swap recipes , talk foods , and do some taste testing ! Visit the library ’ s website for registration and for more information .
The Fabulous Foodie Club Date : April 12 Time : 6:30 p . m . Address : Pleasant Hills Library , 302 Old Clairton Road , Pleasant Hills Contact : pleasanthillslibrary . org , or 412.655.2424
Elevate your family dinners this spring with new ideas ! The Fabulous Foodie Club is about cookbook exploration and loving to cook whether you are good at it or not ! Prior to the meeting , check out one of the many cookbooks . Prepare a dish that fits the month ’ s theme and bring it with you that evening to share . We will talk successes , misses , what we liked about the cookbook and more ! Visit the library ’ s website for more information .
For the Kids
American Girl Book Club Date : May 4 Time : 6:30 p . m . Address : Bridgeville Public Library , 505 McMillen Street , Bridgeville Contact : bridgevillelibrary . org , or 412.221.3737
Girls in second through fifth grades are invited to join a book club based on the American Girl books ! Meet once a month for crafts , games and activities based on the book that was read . Books are on hold each month at the library , and dolls are welcome ! Registration is required .
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