Prevent your house from becoming a target with tips for security during vacation
You ’ ve packed up your suitcase and booked your itinerary , but before you board the plane , take the time to protect your home while you ’ re on vacation . July and August are popular vacation months , and not surprisingly , they ’ re also the months when home burglaries peak .
To fully enjoy your trip , plan appropriate home security and maintenance with this checklist .
Inside the house l Set timers on interior lights . This goes a long way in deterring burglars , who often look for crimes of opportunity . Don ’ t allow your house to appear as if no one is home . l Prevent power surges . You never know if a power surge can occur , so be prepared . Disconnect the computer , TV , stereo , and other electronics , or make sure they are plugged safely into a surge protector . l Don ’ t make telltale status updates . Never broadcast your location on Facebook or Twitter . Even if you think that it ’ s only your friends or colleagues viewing your online profiles , it ’ s safest not to leave any sort of opening for a possible burglar . l Alert your alarm company . If you have an automatic security system in place , call your representative , announcing you ’ ll be away from home for an extended period of time . Make sure the alarm is set properly when you leave . l Secure valuables . If you don ’ t already have your jewelry or other valuables in a safe deposit box , now might be the time to do so . Doing this also ensures that you don ’ t leave out anything valuable in plain sight that a burglar might be able to see from a window . l Set the HVAC . Set a programmable thermostat to lower your heat or air conditioning usage . l Protect your pipes . Make sure pipes in vulnerable areas such as attics , basements , and crawlspaces are insulated . In unusually cold weather , set your thermostat at 55 degrees or above . Ask a neighbor or trusted friend to stop by and check on the house and periodically turn on the faucets to ensure the pipes don ’ t freeze . l It might seem obvious , but double-check just to be sure . Lock all doors and windows .
Outside the house l Arrange for lawn care . Have your landscaping tended to by a friendly neighbor or local service . Before you leave , trim tree branches that might allow access to a climbing burglar . l Stop newspapers and mail . Stop mail and newspaper deliveries , or have them regularly picked up by a neighbor . Again , you don ’ t want to easily clue in a burglar to your absence by the mounting newspapers on your doorstep .
l Plan some exterior lighting . Set these lights on timers as well , to deter burglars . l Don ’ t leave spare keys outdoors . Collect any hidden spare keys from around the exterior of your home . Remember , burglars know the most popular hiding places , like beneath mats and in potted plants . l Lock the garage . Even if there is no entrance to your house from the garage , there ’ s still a chance for numerous things to be stolen . Secure the door and any entrances to the garage .
The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm ®. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate , we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information . These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure . The information is not intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional . Nor is it intended to effect coverage under our policy . State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information .
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