IN Bethel Park Winter 2021 | Page 2





The Long and Short of “ Short Certificates ” in Pennsylvania

People often call Covelli & Piscione Law Offices with a common question —“ What is a Short Certificate and How Do I Get One ?” In many instances , a loved one has recently passed away , and the Caller needs to know how to begin the Estate Probate Process . Other times , however , a newly-discovered asset or account of a family member , who may have passed a number of years ago , may surface . At the time of the loved one ’ s death , the family may not have opened an Estate , because at that time , there were no assets which required formal probate .

When dealing with liquidating or transferring the property of a decedent , you generally will be required to produce a “ Short Certificate .” The Short Certificate is an official document from the Court , which empowers an individual to act as the legal representative of the Estate of the deceased owner of the asset .
In order to obtain a Short Certificate , an individual must file a Petition for Grant of Letters , and be sworn-in at the Register of Wills in the County where the decedent resided . If the decedent had a Last Will and Testament , the original Last Will and Testament document must be presented to the Register of Wills at the time the Short Certificate is issued .
If someone dies without a Will , an estate can still be opened and the Personal Representative will still be able to obtain a Short Certificate . In this case , the Personal Representative is referred to as the “ Administrator .” When there is a Will , the Personal Representative for the Estate is referred to as the “ Executor .” The duties and responsibilities for an Executor and Administrator remain the same .
The Executor or Administrator must present the Register of Wills with the Death Certificate , Last Will and Testament ( if available ), and in some cases , may also need to present signed Renunciations from other individuals who might otherwise be entitled to administer the Estate . Once an Estate has been opened , the Executor or Administrator will be required to fulfill their responsibilities until the Estate has been formally concluded .
Notably , opening an Estate has other consequences , such as allowing an opportunity for creditors to file claims against the Estate . It would be prudent to discuss the consequences of opening an Estate with an attorney , to weigh the benefit of obtaining a Short Certificate against potential issues that could arise . An experienced Estate Probate Attorney can help guide you through the entire probate process .
At Covelli & Piscione Law Offices , P . C ., we have worked with Members of the Community to obtain Short Certificates and Administer Estates for 40 years . Our team of Experienced Attorneys are available to answer all of your probate questions and assist with every aspect of the Probate process . A Probate Attorney will provide you with a Complimentary Initial Consultation and advise you on how to best proceed with the Probate Process .
For more information on Covelli & Piscione Law Offices , go to Covellilaw . com , or call 412.653.5000 . Covelli & Piscione Law is located at 357 Regis Avenue ( across from the Pleasant Hills-West Mifflin Post Office ).
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Readers ’ Choice Award
“ Best Attorney ”
Joe Covelli has over 40 years of legal experience and is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Estate Planning Council of Pittsburgh . Attorney Natalie Piscione has been providing Estate Planning and Estate Administration legal services for 9 years . Together they lead a team of attorneys in several areas of the law . For more information , call 412.653.5000 or visit www . covellilaw . com .

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