IN Bethel Park Winter 2018 | Page 25

Don’t E Drive Distracted! veryone understands the risk of driving a vehicle or the possibility of a disaster destroying their home; you prepare for it by purchasing insurance. However, the need for long-term care is much more likely to befall someone than an auto accident or loss of a home. Few people prepare for this possibility until it is too late. money that you put into that policy is gone. You either use it or you lose it, and there is no death benefit either. It is important when shopping for long-term care insurance to watch every detail since every policy is different. The pros and cons listed above are very common. Another option would be to use a cash value life insurance policy that has a long-term care rider. The advantage to this policy is that, What is long-term care? unlike the long-term care policy, this option gives you both a life Long-term care is not the same as medical care, as it includes insurance death benefit and the option to be able to use that death assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, benefit toward long-term care if the need arises. For example, if the help with moving around the house, and even household chores policy has a face value of $250,000 and the policyholder would need including grocery shopping. The cost of assistance with these daily -MOBILE DEVICES AND CELL PHONES to go into long-term care with annual costs of $50,000, that policy living activities is something that is not normally provided under -PERSONAL GROOMING would provide five years of coverage before it was used up. If the regular medical coverage. Types of long-term care can range from person WHILE never needs long-term care and passes away, the $250,000 -EATING ON THE RUN care provided in one’s home or adult day care, to care in an assisted goes to his/her beneficiary. However, every policy is different and living or nursing home facility. True to its name, long-term care -GETTING IN A that HURRY AND RUSHING it is important you read the fine print to see what is defined as concerns those individuals who, due to illness or injury, cannot take a long-term care event in the policy to trigger the benefit—not all care of themselves for an extended period of time, which is defined policies are created equal. by not being able to perform at least two daily living activities Before you buy any long-term care product of any kind it is without help. The cost of this constant and involved care comes with extremely important that you shop around and study each product a hefty price tag, averaging $40,000 to over $100,000 a year. This in detail to know exactly what is covered and how. Looking around Everyone agrees texting while driving is dangerous, but many drivers will still kind of unexpected cost can wipe out an individual’s life savings in a take the risk. In today’s fast paced world of constant availability, it’s easy to will also give you an idea on pricing, as that can vary dramatically. short period of time. This is why planning for such an event as early as succumb to the temptation topeek at the latest email, text message You need to make sure you are was getting value money, not This INdustry INsight provided by The for Bill your Flinn Agency. possible is so important. or facebook update that pops up. just a low price, as a low-price policy could still have a sharp increase For the last 40 years The Bill Flinn Agency has been Doesn’t Medicare cover long-term care? unexpectedly. That’s serving why it the is Bethel helpful an independent Park to and deal South with Hills communities. Unfortunately no, Medicare cover any of the time assistance Since opening our to doors in 1972 our mission has Studies have found distractions can will slow not a drivers reaction to the agent, broker or financial planner help guide you through the been to treat our customers by the golden rule. Learn with daily activities that the comprise long-term care, A since it is car not a same extent as driving under influence of alcohol. deadly details of what is available, because, above all, you need to find the more about us at, or stop medical expense. It may cover costs for a skilled nursing accident that claimed the life of help a woman in Florida was caused by facility a 17 year product that best suits by our office on South Park Road in and the heart of Bethel. your individual needs situation. after who a recent hospital a brief period of time before old driver had sent 127 stay, texts but that only day, for including one time stamped two minutes before paramedics were called Medicaid, to the scene. Any type of the costs become your responsibility. on the other hand, distraction while both driving serious and and non-medical dangerous, care consider will cover the is medical for a these long-term tips next time you take person the wheel. disability if that has less than $2,000 in assets, a near non- existent income, and meets other eligibility guidelines to qualify. New Use your phones regulations “do not disturb” mode or turn it off Lookback prevent moving assets to completely. attempt to qualify. Keeping your phone out sight for and the out of mind removes any temptation, Medicaid is only an of option truly impoverished. and allows you to keep your full attention on the road. Methods of planning for a long-term care event If an the hear poverty level, Medicaid may down be an to option, Let calls go to individual voicemail. is If at you it ring don’t even look and the very wealthy can easily pay out of pocket, but for the many see who it is, that split second you AND take your eyes off the road can be more -MOBILE DEVICES CELL PHONES individuals who lie in between those extremes, planning is a bit more than enough time to get into an accident. -PERSONAL GROOMING involved; however there are a couple of ways to do so. SM The most need traditional route is THE to buy long-term care insurance -EATING WHILE ON RUN If you absolutely to make a call pull off to the side of the road. but has its advantages disadvantages. The greatest advantage A truly it -GETTING important call will your full attention, and getting off the road IN demand A and HURRY AND RUSHING is that when an individual is deemed in need of long-term care respects the safety of yourselfand those around you. Let’s talk life insurance. the full benefit is available right away. The downsides, however, Guaranteed death benefit can extend to age 121. Guaranteed death benefit will expire if no premiums are paid following initial premium, subsequent premiums are insufficient or account value is reduced by are that an individual has WHILE to be healthy enough to qualify Banned for the text withdrawal or loan. Contact your local ERIE Agent or see the policy for details. Most importantly NEVER TEXT DRIVING. Pennsylvania coverage, the premiums can very So high been and messaging while and operating a vehicle In be 2012. not and only have is texting Bill Flinn Agency Inc to increase dramatically. It is also its important to be as aware driving known as dangerous as drinking and driving, just as illegal well. 2754 S Park Rd drivers will that still benefit periods can be limited and if the policy is not used, any Bethel Park, PA 15102-3858 , it’s So, easy to safe. When on the road, give your full attention to the task at hand. stay sage Don’t give in to the world’s This demand you We at the INdustry that INsight was always provided stay by The available. Bill Flinn Agency. 412-833-5351 Bill Flinn Agency work hard to make sure you have the coverage you need, but For the last 40 years The Bill Flinn Agency has been want to remind you to be careful serving out there and Park stow the phone so you can ERIE life insurance products and services are provided by Erie the Bethel and South Hills communities. Family Life Insurance Company. Information regarding additional terms, conditions, exclusions, licensure and territory information Since and opening our doors in 1972 our mission has e to avoid the the needless accidents, injury deaths that driving distractions is available at Eligibility for insurance coverage will be determined at the time of application, based upon been to treat our customers by the golden rule. Learn y car can cause. applicable underwriting guidelines and rules in effect at that time. more about us at, or stop S1603 5/14 © 2014 Erie Indemnity Company by a 17 year by our office on South Park Road in the heart of Bethel. stamped type of BETHEL PARK ❘ WINTER 2018 23 se AVOID THESE TOP 4 DRIVING DISTRACTIONS e Distracted! AVOID THESE TOP 4 DRIVING DISTRACTIONS There are no guarantees in life. Lifelong peace of mind can be yours with ERIEflex4. ®