IN Bethel Park Winter 2016 | Page 57

hang in the Library Learning Commons at IMS as a tribute to the power and beauty of recycling .
Should she be fortunate enough to win another Gold Medal and score high enough at States , she plans to take her project to Nashville , TN next July for the National Competition .
Kelly enjoys being a part of the FCCLA Club at IMS , which meets weekly to participate in a series of service learning activities . Last year the group averaged 25 students at its meetings , where they participated in a variety of activities , including baking cookies and making popcorn that was distributed to needy families at Christmas time . They also made scarves for donation to the South Hills Interfaith Movement and Super Hero Masks for a children ’ s hospital in Erie , to name a few .
Kelly served as the Treasurer last year and this year , she is the group ’ s President . “ I like the fact that the Club brings people together to work on community service projects ,” says Kelly . “ We really try to do good things not only in the community , but also in our school .” Kelly credits Independence Middle School Principal David Muench for his support of the group ’ s efforts .
The other thing that Kelly likes about FCCLA is that “ the entire group works together to support one another .” She enjoyed helping her fellow FCCLA members to prepare for their competitions , and she appreciated their assistance when she was practicing her presentation .
“ Kelly is a confident young woman and a hard worker ,” said Mrs . Fontana . “ She has been there for everything I ’ ve asked of her and I am so proud of her success because she worked so hard and really earned everything she received .”
Independence Middle School Eighth Grader Kelly Katilius shows off her double Gold Medal winning binder .
Noah Gearhar


Bethel Park High School junior Noah Gearhart won First Place in the Best High School Documentary category of Steeltown Entertainment ’ s “ Take A Shot ” Youth Film Contest for his documentary , “ The Rubber Band Challenge .”

The five minute video addresses the issue of today ’ s students readily using profane language throughout their conversations , and suggests how the school environment would be positively impacted if students did not swear .
Noah interviewed several of his classmates , as well as Bethel Park High School Principal Dr . Zeb Jansante and Technology Education Teacher Brad Kszastowski to get their input about why people swear and how that negatively impacts the school community .
The end of the video demonstrates how the Rubber Band Challenge can help individuals realize how often they use inappropriate language and how snapping a rubber band against their wrists every time they swear will change their behavior .
As the winner of the video contest , Noah received $ 1,500 and the free use of equipment for one year from Steeltown Entertainment .
Noah filmed his video with his own camera and used his computer to edit the video , which he filmed at Bethel Park High School .
Inspired by his older cousin , Noah has been making videos since he was in eighth grade , and he says his skills greatly improved once he became a Bethel Park High School student , where he participates in the Video Production Program as a member of the Black Hawk TV staff .
“ Noah does a lot of great things for our school ,” said Mr . Kszastowski . “ Besides creating programming for the high school TV station , Noah also wrote the software that streams Tweets from Twitter onto the video kiosks that are located around the school .”
Last spring , the St . Clair-Bethel Rotary Club presented Noah and three other Bethel Park High School students — Steven Sell , Jessica Viehman and Evan Aronhalt — with Technology Awards for excelling in technology education classes at Bethel Park High School . Noah received his for his work in the Materials Production Class .
Surprisingly , while Noah enjoys being an amateur videographer , he says the activity is merely a life-long hobby for him . He says his “ true passion ” is computer programming .
Noah encourages his classmates who enjoy videography to take a shot at future contests . “ Making videos is a lot of fun ,” he explains . “ The rules for the contest are not that strict and I would tell anybody who is interested to give it a try .”
To view Noah ’ s video and to learn how you can take the Rubber Band Challenge , please go to : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = OsNJbyCttbM .

ethel Park

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