IN Bethel Park Summer 2022 | Page 2





Breathing New Life Into Your Living Will


Living Will , an Advanced Healthcare Directive , Advance Care Planning , Healthcare Power of Attorney — We have all heard of these terms used , and many of us may even have the documents prepared and / or on file with our healthcare providers . But , what do these documents actually do ? How do they change over time ? Do you actually know what provisions your documents contain ? Do the terms abide by your current wishes ? Estate Planning documents are dynamic , “ living ” documents and should receive regular check-ups to ensure that they still meet your needs .
If you received your Living Will from your healthcare provider , or from an internet search , you may find that your “ instructions ” look more like a checklist . The form may be a laundry list of “ I do / or do not want ” medical procedures , where you have placed a check mark or your initials . You may have designated a Healthcare Agent , Surrogate , or Designee , along with their contact information . You also may have provided your wishes on Organ Donation within the document .
However , often in discussing these documents with clients , we find that the options of “ I do ” or “ I do not want ” regarding certain medical procedures is not an accurate representation of their wishes . We find that clients are not certain , in this rapidly evolving healthcare environment , about what situations their directives would even apply . Many clients are surprised to learn that there may be other options besides “ I do ” or “ do not ” want ; an experienced Estate Planning attorney can assist you in drafting a customized document that expresses your wishes .
For example , one wish we hear expressed from clients frequently is that they do not want to “ be a vegetable ,” when facing a terminal illness , and that is the reason they chose to decline the use of a ventilator . However , with COVID-19 at the top of the minds of most people today , clients express that they would be comfortable with the use of a ventilator for a short period of time , as long as it gave them a chance for a meaningful recovery . Others may have children living out of state , and they would consent to limited use of life-sustaining measures in order to give those children the opportunity to make the necessary travel arrangements to say their final goodbyes . The Estate Planning team at Covelli & Piscione Law Offices can customize your documents to express these wishes in a way that both your Appointed Surrogate and healthcare professionals can understand and implement .
Additionally , as part of a comprehensive Estate Plan , an Estate Planning Attorney can assist you in promoting consistency between your Power of Attorney documents and your Living Wills , allowing for seamless application of both documents and ensuring that your loved ones are able to carry out your wishes with minimal stress and conflict .
Not sure if your Living Will meets your current needs ? Schedule a free consultation with an Estate Planning attorney to go over your existing documents and discuss if your Estate Plan needs to be revised ; whether it is redefining “ terminal illness ,” clarifying your wishes on life-sustaining measures , or updating your preferences for Organ Donation , the team at Covelli & Piscione Law Offices can help bring your documents back to life !
Attorney Natalie Piscione is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys , and has been providing Estate Planning and Estate Administration legal services for nine years . Attorney Joe Covelli has over 40 years of legal experience . The team of Attorneys at Covelli & Piscione Law Offices is experienced in several areas of the Law . For more information , call 412.653.5000 or visit www . covellilaw . com .

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