IN Bethel Park Fall 2019 | Page 37

INDUSTRY INSIGHT THE POWER OF PILATES SPONSORED CONTENT We’ve Got YUR® BACK: Coming back from back pain E ighty percent of all adults will have back pain at some point in their lives. For many, the pain will become chronic as it will last for more than 12 weeks. For others the pain will resolve but will continue to re-occur. This prolonged pain or episodes of pain in people experiencing back problems creates a fear of movement that is referred to as kinesiophobia. I am sure that you have seen this in yourself or in people who have experienced back pain. They begin to avoid certain activities because they have a “bad back,” even if they are not having pain at the time. All who experience back pain begin to alter their activities, causing weakness and poor movement patterns. Thus creating a spiral of deconditioning that serves to feed the initial problems that may have caused the back pain to begin with, or other problems like weight gain or other orthopedic conditions due to wear and tear. Inactivity leads to muscle atrophy and, in clients avoiding movements involving their back, that atrophy will center on their spine and trunk muscles. Research findings have verified the association between chronic back pain and vertebral instability caused by lumbar muscular atrophy. Research also demonstrates that people experiencing back pain have limited range of motion, flexor muscle weakening, and imbalance of muscle strength. Ultimately it seems that back pain actually feeds more back pain. A common treatment intervention for people with chronic back pain is a mind-body intervention that focuses on core stability, posture, flexibility, strength, breathing, and movement control called Pilates. It is important to note that not just any Pilates program will be successful. The program must be geared to those with back conditions so that the appropriate movements can be incorporated, and it must include retraining of proper movement patterns by an educated professional. It is also very important that the clients have been examined by their physician to rule out any outside factors that may interfere with the normal healing process. For many clients, spine conditions never completely resolve, and this makes it important for them to learn how to work within their abilities. If they can create a workout where they can be challenged, but won’t increase their back pain, their confidence and their strength will grow. This will then normalize their daily life functions by taking away the fear that low back pain creates. Once the fear is gone, it is surprising how much people find they can do without causing any problems in their back. PHI® Pilates offers a program designed and run by physical therapists called the YUR® Back program. The YUR stands for You Under Reconstruction. This program uses Pilates-based movements and Pilates equipment combined with physical therapy concepts to teach the client how to move without fear, thus building the strength and confidence to get back to a normal lifestyle. The purpose of the program is not to relieve spine symptoms; it is to provide a safe workout that will allow people with back pain to resume activity without an increase in their spine symptoms. Left to their own devices, those with back pain will limit their activity because of the fear of increasing their spine symptoms. This will lead to deconditioning and other health problems. The YUR® Back program strives to replace the fear factor with knowledge. Fitness without fear. This Industry Insight was written by Christine Romani- Ruby, PT, DEd, MPT, ATC, PMA®CPT. An internationally renowned physical therapist with 27 years of experience in clinical practice, Dr. Ruby has successfully integrated physical therapy and Pilates to create innovative post-rehabilitation and wellness programs for conditions such as back pain, and sport-specific programs for professional athletes. Founder of PHI Pilates in Pittsburgh, she guides clients in the study of their own movement to improve posture and reduce pain and risk of injury. Dr. Ruby is regularly sought after to speak at national and international conferences and works daily in her clinic with clients including NFL athletes, ballerinas, and clients recovering from injuries or illness. Her YUR® BACK program is designed to safely progress clients with back pain from physical therapy to whole-body fitness programs, so that they can get back to a healthy lifestyle. BETHEL PARK ❘ FALL 2019 35