the state of Pennsylvania each year within the categories of Early
Dell Chromebooks. Kindergarten through second grades received
Childhood, Primary and Secondary education.
iPads, which is developmentally appropriate. We are on a five-year
Award finalists were asked to write a letter of response detailing
timeline to transition from using traditional books to using a mix
how winning the award would help them promote their school
of online textbooks and supplemental hardcover materials as one
and private education in Pennsylvania. “Because of our ability to
of our many study tools.”
focus on the whole child, as well as his or her family, we have seen
With the technology in full swing thr oughout last year, it
student successes that are unparalleled,” notes
became apparent Rosi had done something
Rosi. “And, this award has definitely provided
unique at St. Thomas More. It didn’t take long
us with additional exposure, which has been so
for the parents to notice his vision and drive,
“Because of our
nice. I’ve even gotten to walk in the Bethel Park
which is what led to his nomination for the
ability to focus on
Memorial Day Parade.”
2018 Pennsylvania Primary Administrator
According to PA C.A.P.E, the winners for
the whole child,
award are leaders who, in the eyes of the
In fact, the nomination came from a parent
as well as his or
community, model outstanding educational
and was deeply humbling for him. “After only
her family, we
leadership to the teachers, school and
one year at St. Thomas More, I was fortunate
communities they serve. They are passionate
to have our school community recognize the
have seen student
and committed to engaging and developing
significant value these changes bring. This
successes that are
their staff and schools with whom they are
was truly a collaborative effort between me
and the teachers,” says Rosi. “The teaching
“Introducing this technology into St. Thomas
staff is a group of highly qualified and licensed
More is just the beginning of what we will do,”
individuals who are loyal to the school and our
Rosi says. “I envision great things for everyone involved. Primarily
mission. Their average tenure is between 10 and 15 years and they
we are a Catholic, God-centric educational environment. But
all took on this new initiative with gusto. They learned how to use
now, we can combine our foundation with technology and see
interactive smart boards, Chromebooks and opened themselves
where it takes us.”
up to a new way of doing things. I cannot thank them enough.”
For more information about St. Thomas More Catholic School,
The award, given by the Pennsylvania Council on American
visit, or call 412.833.1412. n
Private Education (PA C.A.P.E.), honors only three principals in
FALL 2018