Photo Credit: Emily Nugent
auren McLean created her charity after the
loss of her first child, Emerson Gries, six
years ago to a genetic disorder. “Our son
lived only three hours,” she says. “But in that
short time, my husband, son and I received
wonderful care and comfort from the staff in the
maternity unit at West Penn Hospital.”
Photo Credit: Emily Nugent
Photo Credit: Lauren McLean
The “it” would be
The hospital
Christ the Redeemer
introduced the
Diaper Pantry in
McLeans to Karen
Canonsburg. In
Krchmar, a retired
February 2015, after
labor and delivery
several months of
nurse, who helped
completing affiliation
them through their
paperwork with the
grieving process.
National Diaper Bank
Krchmar and McLean
Network, Nugent
became friends and
became the director
began helping other
of her church’s diaper
women and families
in need. In May
pantry, which donates
2011, they began
diapers to families
a Christian-based
who have infants and
support group called
babies. “I remember
Mothers of Angels,
the first day we
which has now turned
opened—there was
into a nonprofit called
a snowstorm and not
Still Remembered
one person showed,”
Project (SRP).
she says. “But one
Jefferson Award Winners Lauren Zabkar McLean (left)
and Emily Zabkar Nugent.
SRP, which is run
month later, we had 28
by McLean and her
people come to us and
husband, Jason, raises
now, 14 months later,
awareness and remembrance around pregnancy/infant loss and
we’ve given away more than 70,000 diapers.”
creates memory boxes as keepsakes for grieving families. “The box we
She adds, “It’s sad when you realize what happens to babies who
received in the hospital was priceless,” says McLean. “And, the ones
don’t have clean diapers. They can acquire anything from a diaper
we create include similar items like picture frames, matching bracelets
rash to a staph infection. In the beginning our goal was to ensure that
for baby and mother, ornaments, hair cutting kits, awareness ribbons,
each registered baby had at least one clean diaper a day. That equaled
teddy bears, seashells and more. We’ve also been fortunate to receive
about 25 diapers per baby. But we soon found it was not enough. So,
donations of baby blankets, hats and booties from local hospitals.”
we doubled our donation and now give away 50 diapers per child, plus
The Still Remembered Project hopes to move into a “brick and
wipes and a tube of diaper cream.”
mortar” location in the South Hills and become a place where
Christ the Redeemer Diaper Pantry donations come from church
grieving families can seek comfort. “The mothers who join us need
funds, monetary donations and dropoffs at the pantry. Moving
and want to talk about their experiences, so it’s important they’re in
forward, Nugent hopes to get her group involved in diaper drives by
a supportive environment with other women who understand,” says
working with local organizations and schools. “While Pennsylvania
McLean. “We also want to offer additional resources, such as other
is still one of the few states that doesn’t tax diapers, [it also doesn’t]
allow residents on WIC or SNAP to use their funds to buy these
Continued on next page >
kinds of items,” she notes. “It’s important for the
community to know there are babies in need and
their donations are going to a good cause.”
Christ the Redeemer Diaper Pantry is located
at 120 East College Street in Canonsburg and is
open every third Saturday of the month. It serves
babies whose parent or guardian presents a
personal ID, ACCESS card and the child’s birth
certificate. The pantry currently donates items
to 229 families and 335 children. Diapers range
in size from preemie to “pull-up,” and now food,
formula, clothing and shoes are also available.
Bethel Park | Fall 2016 | 51