In A Nutshell Summer 2024 | Page 35


Showcasing almond industry to university students

Second year Ag Science students from the University of Adelaide Olivia Tindale and Matilda Stott . BELOW : University of Adelaide first year Ag Science students during their visit to Century Orchards
FIRST year Agricultural Science students from the University of Adelaide visited the Riverland in September to view firsthand some of the different commodities being produced in the region . Peter Jealous , Gemma Nunn and Austin Zangari who are graduates of the course and now work in the almond industry spent time with the students during dinner . They shared their experiences and talked about what their work involves . The following day the group toured Century Orchards at Loxton with Technical Manager Gemma Nunn . While on the trip , the students collected soil samples at the different properties they visited . These were set to be analysed back at the university as part of their studies . The University of Adelaide has been running this trip for first year Agricultural Science students for several years . As part of their studies , students also must complete 450 hours of student placements in the agriculture industry . Second year students , Olivia Tindale and Matilda Stott decided to reach out to Century Orchards following their first year study tour in 2023 and completed a week of work experience with the company in September .
The pair said Gemma and CEO Brendon Sidhu went out of their way to explain what goes into growing almonds . Oliva and Matilda said this included :
• Pests and disease : Carob moth , Carpophilus beetle , hull rot , aphids Continued page 36
industry . australianalmonds . com . au