In A Nutshell Summer 2024 | Page 31


Almondco celebrates 80 years

ON Saturday , 14 September 2024 , Almondco celebrated 80 years as a co-operative business . It was also an opportunity to mark 30 years at the current secondary processing and marketing headquarters . The special night was attended by 100 guests , which included grower members , business partners , local members of parliament , directors and management . The celebrations were held in Almondco ’ s newlybuilt raw material warehouse at Renmark , where the breezeway was transformed into a magical dinner venue . Almondco ’ s Managing Director Brenton Woolston , Member for Chaffey in the South Australian House of Assembly Tim Whetstone , Member of Legislative Council of South Australia Nicola Centofanti and MWT Foods Michael Waring gave speeches at the event . Also in attendance was Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals CEO Melina Morrison and Food South Australia CEO Tori Dixon-Whittle . A second 80th celebration was held for all Almondco staff on November 22 .
Celebrating the 80th milestone were Terry and Jo Bond , Caroline and Michael Waring , Jane and Brenton Woolston , Paul Stewart and Karen Burton , and Jake Langdon .
LEFT : Almondco board members at the celebration , from left , Leroy Sims , Darren Minter , Andrew Fremder , Brenton Woolston , Graham Twartz and Louis Curtis .
Leroy Sims , Graham Twartz ( Chairman ), Hon Nicola Centofanti MLC , Melina Morrison ( BCCM ), Tori Dixon Whittle ( Food SA ), Brenton Woolston ( MD ) and Tim Whetstone MP at the 80th celebration .
Almondco was founded by the pioneering families of the Australian almond industry in 1944 . What started out as a co-operative of like-minded growers in the southern vales of Adelaide has become a major dedicated almond business on the world stage , with the Almondco brand renowned for producing some of the highest quality almond products . More than 50 member growers now supply Almondco across all major growing regions - the Riverland and northern Adelaide Plains in South Australia , the Riverina in New South Wales , Mildura / Sunraysia area in Victoria and the Swan Region in Western Australia . Almondco provides key processing facilities for its grower members in the Riverland and Riverina . Almondco is a dedicated memberowned business offering an extensive range of premium quality , almond based bulk products to the international marketplace .
industry . australianalmonds . com . au