in a while , make the trip and take advantage of a program that should provide plenty of value . Don ’ t forget that attendance to the conference for growers is tax deductible and an investment in your future . There is something for everyone , whether your operation is big or small . Registrations for the Almond Conference can be
made here .
Industry-wide spatial mapping – Land-IQ
The Almond Board of Australia has commissioned renowned spatial mapping service LandIQ from California to conduct an industry-wide spatial mapping survey of industry plantings . The mapping will cover all of the Riverina , Murray Valley , Sunraysia and SA to ascertain the exact footprint of the industry . The technology used will also provide key statistical data such as the age of the orchards . This data will be the first of its kind conducted across all growing regions and allow the ABA to make informed decisions on a range of activities from research and development , forecast modelling , biosecurity response strategies , extension support , industry development and off-shore demand creation activities . Ground truthing for this process is due to occur late in October and be available for the 2023 industry Insights publication .
Almond Hort360
A new portal designed to assist growers benchmark their on-farm practices is being modified by the ABA . A range of modules focusing on various aspects of orchard operations will be altered to have a focus on almonds over the next 12 months . The first modules being developed are Pollination and Irrigation and will be launched at the ABA Conference next month . The questions and guidance notes within each module will be reviewed by the ABA ’ s various sub-committees to ensure it meets best management practice and also covers off any potential sustainability opportunities . It is envisaged that this portal will assist growers looking to see how they compare against other growers , improve what they do on farm and also help the ABA highlight strengths across the industry and areas for improvement in our practices . More information will be available on the Almond Hort360 portal at the conference and we will be looking for interested growers to trial the first modules . The ABA ' s Sustainability Officer , Ella Henson , and Hort360 representative Scott Wallace will be available to assist growers .
Making news ...
Advocacy update
The ABA has been pro-active in defending the industry ’ s interests following the discovery of Varroa mite in Newcastle on June 22 . A National Response Plan was implemented to eradicate the mite . Unfortunately , the response plan was focused on NSW activities and unfortunately states outside NSW implemented additional controls in shutting down interstate movements of hives . This has led to a bee shortage in Victoria and SA during our pollination season . Directors formed part of an ABA action group and made representations to various State and Federal agencies and Ministers in order to improve beehive movement restrictions . The ABA was also invited to speak in Canberra at a recent Senate hearing on biosecurity . It was made very clear that there were significant shortfalls in the response by various states and as a result our industry has been significantly disadvantaged . More work is being done in to ensure the same is not repeated in future years to improve beehive access for 2023 . The ABA board has also arranged networking function at Australian Parliament House in Canberra in late September with the view of building relationships we our nation ’ s policymakers . The cost of these biosecurity responses has also been questioned and campaigning to introduce a biosecurity levy on shipping containers continues to spread the biosecurity costs beyond those ag industries directly affected .
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