In a Nutshell Spring 2022 Vol 23 Issue 3 | Page 2

Do your customers value clean anD green , quality proDuce ?

Haifa supplies Australia ’ s highest quality , fully water soluble fertilisers . Haifa Multi-K GG , MKP and Multi-K Reci comprise 100 % pure plant nutrients and extremely low sodium and chloride levels . Growers have confidence using these products for their high quality crop production programs because every bag comes with a batch number and corresponding certificate of analysis ( COA ). Have you checked your fertiliser for a COA ?

Haifa – quality you can trust ! fertiliser cHecKlist

WHere is it from ?
Does it Have a batcH number ?
Does it Have a certificate of analysis ?

mucH more tHan just a fertiliser supplier …


Waste and recycling
Global Compact
Haifa Group is fully committed to the Global Compact on human rights , labour , environment and anti-corruption . We also are fulfilling the UN ’ s Sustainable Development Goals to help end poverty , protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all .
motti levin , ceo
Haifa has been one of the leading organisations behind the Farm Waste Recovery industry stewardship program for large bulk bag collection . It has been actively promoting the program to ensure the industry is seen in a positive light . Haifa has been driving the outcomes for larger growers and smaller growers , so they understand what their responsibilities are .
stephen richards , farm Waste recovery
( 03 ) 9583 4691 australia @ haifa-group . com www . haifa-group . com