SAVE THE DATE : Almond Board of Australia AGM
A second grower representative from the Riverina region could join the ABA board if a special resolution is passed at the Annual General Meeting this month . " A quarter of Australia ’ s almond orchards are now in the Riverina region and this has prompted the board to review where grower representatives are based ,” Almond Board of Australia chief executive officer Tim Jackson said . The AGM will be held online on 19 October starting at 11.30am South Australian time .
communities decimated . It is estimated by a range of water market experts that water prices longer term will increase and will be above $ 200 / ML most years . One group estimates that the longer term average for short term water will be $ 360 / ML . Few industries are viable at this level , so these projections raise serious questions around food security , business and community viability , and the inevitable personal wellbeing challenges for many within the basin . In a world where corporates and governments are embracing approaches that meet triple bottom line outcomes that respect people , planet , and prosperity , this Bill fails on all fronts . Since the Basin plan was first devised more than a decade ago , agriculture in Australia has experienced a quantum shift toward operating more sustainably . Never before has there been a better time to achieve win-win outcomes given the global standards many producers are now being held accountable for adopting . Traditional perceptions that agricultural production had little regard for the environmental impacts are as outdated and ill-conceived as this Water Amendment Bill . The Federal Government has a rare opportunity to deliver results under a Plan that can meet its original aspirations and foster a collective approach to water use that would be an international showpiece for others
Nominations for board positions have closed . Current grower representatives Peter Cavallaro ( Adelaide ), James Callipari ( Riverina ), Luke Stoeckel ( Riverland ) and Neale Bennett ( Sunraysia ) have offered themselves for re-election . Marketer representative Damien Houlahan has offered himself for re-election , while Paul Thompson and Brenton Woolston are stepping down . The ABA Board meets on a quarterly basis , with members also expected to participate in one or more subcommittee ( s ).
to follow . Instead , this Bill in its current form , leaves basin communities threatened with divisive buybacks and uncertain futures . The injustice of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder , already the largest holder of water in the basin , using its purchasing power to buy water and consequently drive prices up is a prospect that raises serious questions around fairness and equity in what is supposed to be an open market . The ABA and many others operating within the basin are suggesting that buybacks will not deliver the environmental outcomes promised and fly in the face of the Murray Darling Basin Plan The ABA is collaborating with local governments within the basin and a range of industries to have amendments made to Bill to ensure the spirit of the Basin plan is retained and the threat of buybacks removed . But it will need a grassroots response to inspire a change . The Bill is due to be debated and voted on in Parliament before the end of the year , so the time to provide our national leaders with feedback is upon us all .
Transition to management – what does that mean ?
The National Response Plan to eradicate varroa mite has fallen short of its goals and State agencies along with affected industries like the ABA are working on what comes next . Since varroa mite was discovered on bees in a Sentinel Hive in Newcastle in June 2022 , millions of dollars have been devoted to eradicating the mite . Unfortunately , in recent times that battle has been acknowledged as a lost cause . The spread of varroa mite across NSW , especially the north-east coastal area around Newcastle , has continued over the past 15 months and has reached a point where all involved now must contemplate how to manage a mite that will be a fact of life for Australia . In time , this mite will destroy wild honeybee hives across the country and fundamentally change how pollination occurs for many industries . The annual cost of varroa mite to the almond industry alone has been estimated at between $ 15 and $ 20 million . The ABA will work with all stakeholders to deliver a transition to management that minimises the impact of this devastating development . All options will be on the table and a range of bee-tech solutions will come under consideration . The only solace for all involved is that there are many lived experiences in other countries to reference . New Zealand has been dealing with varroa for almost 20 years while our Californian almond-growing colleagues import millions of hives managing varroa each pollination season . Issues like hive traceability , border controls , hive health , and managing varroa are among the many facets to be considered in the management plan . As a signatory to the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed ( EPPRD ) the almond industry has contributed significantly to the eradication plan and is committed to working through what life with varroa will look like for all stakeholders . Please keep an eye on the ABA website and Facebook page for updates . There is much more to come on this topic . The ABA would like to extend our appreciation to the NSW DPI and Australian Honey Bee Industry Council for their guidance and work during this National Response Plan . Countless hours from a huge workforce has been dedicated to eradicating varroa , so it was with a heavy heart that all agreed recently to revert to management .
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