Hull rot fungus between the hull and shell . Trunk disease – severe trunk gum .
Laboratory and detached fruit assays also identified the three fungicides and one biological agent that were effective against Rhizopus . Economic analysis showed that grower actions to combat disease were economically beneficial but varied among diseases . For example , treatments for
Future reasearch Following on from these research outcomes AL22002 ’ An Integrated Disease Management program for the Australian almond industry – Phase 2 ’ will see further research into integrated disease management strategies that improve on-farm management through key activities over the next five years :
• Conduct a literature review and laboratory-based trials into the potential for fungicide resistance of key almond pathogens within Australian almond orchards .
• Conduct surveys across the major almond-producing regions , targeting diseases of high priority and emerging problems such as Monterey decline and Prunus replant disease .
• Undertaking trials to evaluate factors shown to have potential to restrict the incidence of hull rot during phase 1 , including irrigation and water availability , plant nutrition , scion , rootstock and canopy management .
• Gain a better understanding of Phytophthora and trunk diseases by surveying and sampling , laboratory and field experiments will clarify what factors influence disease , and molecular tools will be developed for rapid and accurate diagnosis .
• Develop a variety of grower resources throughout the project .
An online survey will be available via Almond Bytes soon to identify current disease pressure and management practices within the almond industry .
industry . australianalmonds . com . au