In a Nutshell Autumn 2023 | Page 30


Journey to California invaluable for ABA directors and staff

Ella Henson ABA Sustainability Officer
THE Californian almond industry provides us with a unique opportunity to learn from an industry that faces similar challenges and threats . As a considerably newer and smaller industry , there is a great deal we can learn from our counterparts in California . To gain a better understanding of recent developments in the California almond industry , ABA staff and board members travelled to Sacramento to attend the 50th Annual California Almond Conference in December last year . The last time ABA staff and board members traveled to California was in 2019 , before the pandemic . Before heading to Sacramento , the group embarked on a study tour to gain additional insights into new and evolving developments .
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ABA staff and board members visited a nursery to learn about new almond varieties during their trip to California .