Slawomir Janus , AME Group Managing Director Cam Clifford , Michal Janus and Marcin Lis pictured with a tractor fitted with the GOtrack technology at the ACE Orchard .
GOtrack to increase worker safety
GOtrack was first introduced to Australia in 2020 , with the first kit installed for the Australian Wine Research Institute in the Barossa Valley . However , GOtrack has been working in Europe for over five years in commercial operations , with over 40 units working in the field . AME Group Managing Director Cam Clifford said there were a number of considerations to make when installing the technology within almond orchards . “ I think the biggest thing to think about for almond orchards is obstructions to consider ,” he said . “ When we were thinking about the systems working in almonds we had to think about the GPS array and think about all the equipment on it in terms of the branches and tree structure .” Mr Clifford said the technology can be fixed to existing tractor assets . “ Currently on the market there are no commercial tractors available that are fully GPS autonomous ,” he said .
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Trying to find staff to work those hours and sit in tractors going up and down rows is getting harder and harder
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