In a Nutshell Autumn 2023 | Page 14


Multi-country trade mission hit for six

Indian co-captains Shrey Bhatia and Ashwini Taueja pictured with ABA CEO Tim Jackson during the coin toss .
Joseph Ebbage , Market Development Manager
THIS year s Gulfood trade exhibition ran from February 20 to 24 at the World Trade Center in Dubai . It is one of the world s largest Fine Food trade fairs . Given its timing in February coincides with the commencement of our Australian almond harvest , Gulfood is well positioned to assist the Australian almond marketers and exporters plan their sales program for the year s crop . This year s Gulfood was exceptionally busy , even by pre- Covid standards . Our Australian Almond industry mission to Gulfood started with a 20 over game of indoor cricket with our Indian almond customers . We are unique in Australian horticulture to be able to unite Australian almond sellers and Indian almond buyers together with a combined passion for cricket .
This true cultural connection is an envy to many . While the Indian team prevailed on this occasion , the ledger is square at two games apiece . The victory featured some amazing catching and express bowling by father son Mumbai almond processors Sarwan and Rohit Bangeja . The win has levelled the annual series at 2 all . Co-captains Shrey Bhatia and Ashwini Taneja will take back the Almond Ashes ( yes , we have a small urn containing burnt inshell almonds ) to Delhi until game five next year at Gulfoods . It had been three years since the last clash due to Covid restrictions , but the support from both sides and friendly rivalry ensured another memorable event . At the post-match function the proud victors did not take long to start discussing new season almond offers with the Australian sellers and exploring what new opportunities can be taken up under the new AI-ECTA trade agreement that has lowered tariffs of Australians almonds by 50 % this year . Our Australian Almond Gulfood exhibition was held in a 6 metre by 3 metre booth within the Australian Pavilion . The stand was very busy with interested buyers from the Middle Eastern region and from South- Central Asia in particular . The Indian buying inquiries were further motivated by the Australia- India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement s provision around tariffs for Australian almonds . The Agreement , which came into force in December 2022 , provides a 50 % reduction on tariffs of Australian almonds up to a quota of 34,000 tonnes . This volume significantly exceeds any previous annual tonnage of Australian almonds to India .
14 In A Nutshell - Autumn 2023 Vol 24 Issue 1