Improving Hong Kong Street Waste Disposal Experience May 2019 | Page 44
Other insights beyond personas
Apart from the insights linking to personas,
we also found a lot of insights that are not
particularly tied to any personas:
Animal Waste
Dog faeces bins are not user friendly, for
instance how can dog owners hold their
dog leashes with one hand, dog faeces in
another hand and in the same time open
the cover of the faeces bin?
“Bins are not user friendly, you need to
open it when both of your hands are
occupied. Quantities are not enough.
The only dog fences bin in the community
is already full at 8 pm.” - Uncle Shum
Bins Distribution
Recycling is something Hong Kong as a
city wants to promote. However, most of
the bins we see on the streets are still the
regular non-recycling orange ones.
“If i see a regular garbage bin, i will throw
even the garbage is recyclable”- Ivan
Cigarette bins are poorly designed and
placed which is a big pain point for
smokers, collectors as well as general
public. For example, the cigarette area is
on top of the bin which means collectors
need to take up the whole bin, turn it
around and pour the cigarette butts to
the container on their cart. This is nearly
impossible for a 150cm, 60 year old
female collector
“If I see a bin with cigarette butt container,
I will go. Sometimes, I am just too lazy,
even it’s across the road, I won’t walk over.
If it’s within 10 steps, I may do it” - Andy
Communication Channel
Lots of resources have been put in
educating the public about how garbages
should be handled. However, all
communication is done in a very
traditional way mainly through TV and
radio ads or street signs.
“I am not aware of garbage related
news and policy but I know the colors of
recycling bins, I learnt that in school when
I was a kid” - Jack
Fast food
Existing culture in the community (e.g
retail, F&B, advertising) is convenience
oriented, you have no choice even you
want to reduce waste from source (e.g.
when it rains shopping mall staff forces
you to get the plastic cover for umbrella,
you can’t bring your own container when
you order a bubble tea)
“One time when getting fast food I ask the
staff to reduce portion of food size as I
couldn’t finish it, and got responded that
I’m being an annoying lady.” - Esther
Tourist education
In 2017, Hong Kong was the top
visited city in the world according to
Euromonitor research. Currently, there is
little communication to tourists on how
to deal with their waste and garbages.
“I don’t know HK recycling culture and the
location of recycling bins, so I feel like I
have less responsibility” - CJ
“I don’t really remember any recent
government communication in garbage or
recycling but I remember the old ones for
example garbage bug.”- Danny
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