Imprint 2024 September/October | Página 3

Study Tips
3M™ Littmann ® Stethoscope Leadership Development Grant
Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Develpment Grant
Unlocking the Mysteries of Medication Dosage

Contents Volume 71 | Number 4 | Sept / Oct 2024

5 Editorial
6 News
20 Membership
30 Nominating and Elections Committee
42 Reflections
Study Tips
By NSNA members and faculty
3M™ Littmann ® Stethoscope Leadership Development Grant
By Nicole Hopkinson , Elaina Bailey , Olivia Bromley , Samantha Lassahn , Mallory Steeley , Jaxon Bakken and Lisa M . Zerull
Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Develpment Grant
By Theresa Pietsch
Unlocking the Mysteries of Medication Dosage
By Latoya Smith
All published material in IMPRINT ® is protected by copyright . Material , including illustrations and artwork , may not be reprinted without permission from the National Student Nurses ’ Association . NSNA encourages its readers to submit original articles for publication to IMPRINT ® but reserves the right to edit for style clarity , and length . IMPRINT is published five times a year by the National Student Nurses ’ Association , Inc . in the months of February / March , April / May , September / October , November / December and January . ISSN @ 0019-3062 . IMPRINT is indexed in the International Nursing Index . Three dollars of NSNA dues is for subscription to IMPRINT . Other interested persons may subscribe at $ 18 annually . Mexico and foreign subscriptions are $ 30 annually . The views expressed in IMPRINT are solely those of the authors or persons quoted and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSNA . Statements made by authors are not statements of NSNA policy unless adopted by NSNA resolution . The appearance of advertising in this publication in no way implies endorsement or approval by NSNA of any advertising claims or of the advertiser , its product , or services . NSNA does not attempt to investigate or verify the accuracy of claims made by its advertisers , and NSNA specifically disclaims any liability in connection with advertising appearing herein . © National Student Nurses ’ Association , Inc . 2024 , 45 Main Street , Suite 606 , Brooklyn , NY 11201 . IMPRINT was formerly published as the NSNA NEWSLETTER .