By E . Napoletano , 2024-2025 Imprint Up Close Reporter
Finding Her Nursing Legs : Tiffany Stephens ’ Journey Into Nursing
Tiffany Stephens always envisioned herself in a career centered around helping others . Growing up in Southfield , Michigan , she once dreamed of becoming a pediatrician . But life had other plans . As she raised her family and navigated a career path that felt more functional than fulfilling , she realized her true calling lay in nursing — a profession that perfectly blended her compassion and desire to care for others .
Now , at 40 , Tiffany is enrolled in the associate degree in nursing ( ADN ) program at Oakland Community College in Waterford , Michigan . She ’ s completing her first year of the two-year program and is steadily finding her “ nursing legs ” through hard work , clinical rotations , and the unwavering support of her family .
“ I ’ ve experienced so many nurses who ran the spectrum ,” Tiffany reflects . “ The great ones made me want to bring that same compassion to nursing . As I get older and see my parents age , I want to be able to take care of them the way I would want someone to care for me .”
A Foundation of Communication
Before stepping into nursing , Tiffany spent years in customer service . She credits this background with giving her a pivotal skill : connecting with people .
“ I think a background in communicating with people helps . Customer service adds that bonus — a comfort level in talking ,” she says .
She found that her first clinical rotations tested that comfort level . Tiffany admits she felt overwhelmed . “ I went into clinicals overthinking everything , and I was terrified ,” she recalls . “ But now , I feel like I ’ m getting my nursing legs .” Her favorite rotation so far ? Obstetrics . “ Being in the room for a live birth or a C-section — it ’ s an experience like no other ,” she says .
A Passion for Older Adults
While Tiffany cherishes all aspects of nursing , she ’ s developed a special interest in caring for older
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