WHAT ’ S HAPPENING in Local Chapters and State Associations
By Lori Zoghby , 2024-2025 Imprint Happenings Reporter
University of West Georgia Tanner Health System School of Nursing Student Nurses ’ Association
– Carrollton , GA
University of West Georgia Tanner Health System School of Nursing Student Nurses ’ Association ( THSSON SNA ) launched a charity drive for the West Georgia Domestic Violence Shelter ( WG- DVS ). WGDVS is a non-profit domestic violence shelter which serves five rural counties in the West Georgia region including Carroll , Coweta , Haralson , Heard , and Meriwether . The shelter is a safe haven for women and children who are victims of abuse and provides food , clothing , toys , books , personal care products , and houseware items in order for the families to rebuild their lives . The THSSON SNA drive ran from February 12 – April 5 and included student , faculty , and staff volunteers . The drive collected clothing of all sizes for women and children along with non-perishable food , paper goods , toiletries , and feminine products which allowed for three trips of generous donations to the shelter . The WGDVS also held its 22nd annual 5k , where two NSNA members and their faculty advisor , Dr . Katie Morales , volunteered as well . Although by coincidence , the THS- SON curriculum complemented the timing of the drive by providing the students a learning module involving domestic violence which detailed how to support clients facing these circumstances . THSSON hopes that this will become an annual campaign for their NSNA chapter .
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