Madeleine Willett , NEC Member and Eastern Election Area Representative , 2024-25 Nominating and Elections Committee n neceast @ nsna . org
Lead with Light : Illuminate the Path of Your Journey in Nursing Leadership
Our Annual Convention in Seattle is just around the corner ! Each year , nursing students from across the nation come together for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to discuss current events in nursing , kickstart their leadership journeys , and utilize their unique strengths to make a meaningful impact on NSNA and the future of nursing .
Whether you ’ re considering a leadership role or unsure about taking the leap , this article offers valuable insights into running for a position within NSNA . Students nationwide have found immense value in engaging at the school , state , and national levels of student nursing . These experiences provide exposure to diverse perspectives and leadership styles , preparing you for a successful leadership journey in your nursing career . This article will also highlight the benefits of pre-slating for a position on the Board of Directors or the Nominating and Elections Committee .
By pre-slating , you ’ ll arrive in Seattle fully prepared to run for office . While many candidates successfully run from the floor , launching a campaign involves significant planning and organization . Navigating campaign logistics , understanding the rules , and adjusting to the responsibilities of running for a national office can feel overwhelming . Pre-slating helps simplify the process , reducing stress and providing clarity about your role , the regulations , and what it truly means to campaign on a national level .
To pre-slate for a position with NSNA means submitting and having your official NSNA application for the National Office completed by January 13 , 2025 , at 11:30 PM EST . While missing this deadline does not disqualify you from running from the floor , pre-slating , officially applying and being approved to run for a position , offers significant advantages that may encourage you to consider this option !
In the past , candidates have found pre-slating helpful in giving them extra time to organize and strategize their campaigns . This allows them to create slogans , practice video submissions , design posters and handouts for candidate meet-and-greet events , develop campaign materials for the conference , prepare speeches and key talking points , gather strong letters of recommendation , and even recruit a campaign manager . Additionally , pre-slating gives the opportunity to review NSNA guidelines and sample questions you may encounter during your campaign . Finally , your name will be published on the NSNA slate before the convention , meaning you can begin campaigning as soon as the slate of candidates is officially announced at the House of Delegates .
Getting involved in a national position is an incredible opportunity to shape your future in nursing , both as a student and as a future registered nurse .
November / December 2024 20