Climate Change and Advocacy
Challenging Stereotypes About Nurses
Clinical Scholar Model as a Sustainable Solution for Nursing Education and Workforce Development
Fortifying Nurse Well-Being , Self- Care , Leadership , and Resilience
Contents Volume 71 | Number 5 | November / December 2024
4 Editorial
5 News
6 NSNA Resolutions Committee
12 Membership
20 Nominating and Elections Committee
22 Happenings
24 Up Close
37 Reflections
Climate Change and Advocacy
By Ethan Slocum
Challenging Stereotypes About Nurses
By Sunshine Joyce Alba Batasin
Clinical Scholar Model as a Sustainable Solution for Nursing Education and Workforce Development
By Isabella Leonardo and Elizabeth Speakman
Fortifying Nurse Well-Being , Self- Care , Leadership , and Resilience
By Robert Rosseter and Joan Stanley
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