Imprint 2024 February/March | Page 27

is exclusively breastfeeding her newborn or to write a discharge plan for a patient 1 day post knee replacement .
8 . Generate original simulation scenarios . Analyze nursing decisions and actions as you work through them . Example : Ask the AI tool to create an interactive simulation where nursing students can practice therapeutic communication .
9 . Dosage calculation homework help . The AI tool can provide steps and answers using your preferred calculation method . Example : A child who weighs 44 lbs was started on Amoxicillin at 20 mg / kg / dose . The medication is available in 250 mg / 5mL . How many mL should be administered ? Solve with dimensional analysis .
10 . Ask the AI tool how to improve study routines or time management , run study groups , or just take care of yourself during nursing school . ChatGPT gives generally helpful responses but Gemini provides actual links . When I asked the question , one of Gemini ’ s resources was the National Student Nurses ’ Association : www . nsna . org
Moving Forward
Shortcuts and assistance that technology offers have advanced learning in so many ways . That ’ s why there are two conversations about AI Tools . Someone representing to be the author of AI generated writing is dishonest . The Code of Ethics for Nurses sets a high expectation of honesty in professional nursing practice . For this article , I asked Gemini and ChatGPT to identify the best uses of AI for nursing students so I didn ’ t leave out any innovative suggestions . But I didn ’ t paste that content here . I used the responses to validate what I already knew and added more great ideas .
AI tools can be used to stimulate users to think more critically and creatively . Students can explore content more deeply and create personalized learning tools that support their learning styles . But overreliance on AI tools can hinder the educational process and interfere with learning . Nurses must be able to think and act in the moment ; nursing school prepares students for this professional practice . So , experiment to discover how AI tools can improve your learning , not just your grades . Don ’ t forget to share your successes with your faculty !
Julie Kientz Elting , EdD , RN , CNE , is an associate professor at the Harriet Rothkopf Heilbrunn School of Nursing at Long Island University – Brooklyn , teaching nursing theory , research , and evidence-based practice . She mentors student researchers who have presented at conferences , won university awards , and co-authored journal articles . In 2023 , she received the Leader of Leaders Award from the Nursing Students ’ Association of New York State .
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