New Graduate Nurse Tips
Navigating Imposter Syndrome on the Road to Success as a Recent Graduate
A Nursing Student ’ s Guide to the Future of Care for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Navigating Healthcare Frontiers
Contents Volume
71 | Number 3 | April / May 2024
5 Editorial
7 News
12 Membership
16 Up Close
18 Happenings
43 Reflections
13 Medsurg Nursing
17 UNLV School of Nursing
26 Bowie State University
32 Thomas Edison State University
40 Messiah University
New Graduate Nurse Tips
By MacKenzie Simmons
Navigating Imposter Syndrome on the Road to Success as a Recent Graduate
By Mckenzi Cluff and Mary Gemma O ’ Donnell
A Nursing Student ’ s Guide to the Future of Care for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
By Kayla Honeysett , Megan Le , Dannie Lusich , and Delaney Sanders
Navigating Healthcare Frontiers
By Jennifer Marie Figueroa-Delgado
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