Imprint 2023 September/October | Page 7

First , show potential members the student membership website page that answers the question , “ Why join NSNA as a student ?” The top 10 reasons are a great introduction to why students value membership and feature opportunities or experiences that can provide the most benefit and enjoyment .
Also , highlight NSNA benefits you think would interest potential members . For example , point out Imprint magazine , NSNA member-specific scholarship opportunities , partnership programs , discounts on products and services , and NSNA Leadership University Honor Society .
Explain your personal history with NSNA . Hearing a personal story can help encourage other students and is an easy and effective recruitment tool . Being personal and sharing a relatable memory or benefit can also stimulate a sense of community or belonging . Was it a great experience at the MidYear Conference or Annual Convention that got you hooked ? How about an informative focus session you enjoyed , an article in Imprint , or a connection you made ? Sharing the reasons that got you involved can help excite prospective members to become part of the NSNA .
Order membership brochures and download the Guidelines for Membership Recruitment from the NSNA website . Provide membership brochures at orientation sessions . Membership brochures are excellent hands-on tools for encouraging potential members to join NSNA . Access the membership brochure order form to order early so that you receive them in time for orientation sessions . Keep membership brochures on hand in case you have students who become interested throughout the year or semester .
Get faculty involved ! Ask them to announce when and where you are having local chapter meetings via email or by announcements in class . Faculty members are some of your best resources — use them wisely !
Here are some other tips : Hold a watch party during one of the NSNA membership webinars scheduled throughout the year . Spread awareness about NSNA awards and benefits . Send emails to incoming students welcoming them to the school / program and offering to answer any questions they may have .
Record meetings or have a live Zoom link when hosting in-person SNA meetings so that those who are unable to attend in person can stay involved .
NSNA Benefits Program NSNA ’ s Alliance Partners are our biggest supporters . Take advantage of the discounts and special services Alliance Partners offer exclusively to NSNA members . Supporters are listed on the NSNA website . When you use these fabulous discounts , you are also supporting NSNA .
Project lnTouch Project InTouch ( PIT ) is a program that offers rewards to NSNA members who are recruiting new members . PIT recruiters play a vital role in increasing membership . The more members you recruit the more prizes you win !
Incentives for Project InTouch Recruiters include the following :
• Become a Project InTouch Recruiter and receive the PIT recruiter patch .
• Recruit 25 new members and receive an NSNA member patch and an NSNA student leader cord , in addition to the sponsored prizes .
Sign up and become a 2023-2024 Project InTouch Recruiter today !
New Chapter Development NSNA staff keeps a record of schools that express an interest in starting a chapter . Many schools are eligible , but do not submit the official constituency application . The Membership Committee wants that to change because we don ’ t want anyone to miss out on being part of NSNA . If you know of a school that is interested , make sure to check out the Start-A-Chapter Program for more information and request a “ Start-A-Chapter Kit .” The membership committee also wants to hear from you on how we can make starting a chapter easier . We are here to serve our members and to make NSNA what the membership wants it to be . So please connect with us to share your ideas and let us know about changes you would like to see .
6 NSNA IMPRINT • SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 • www . nsna . org