Strategy # 6 : Develop a cadre of enjoyable breaks . Be kind to yourself and take all the breaks you need when tackling your multiple assignments during school . Everyone ’ s different regarding the need for breaks ; do what is best for you . Breaks should relax and recharge you physically and mentally to return to what you were doing . Don ’ t forget bathroom breaks and meals ; nurses often put those off to meet their patients ’ needs . It can be as simple as stretching or taking a short walk ; try to have a laugh or two by watching a funny 2-minute TikTok of a dancer or dog doing tricks . Remember , laughter can be the best medicine .
Conclusion Perhaps some or none of these strategies are new but ask yourself if you have tried them consistently . We all agree that brushing your teeth at least twice daily is essential oral care , but adding daily flossing , using a water pick , and an annual dental checkup are needed for your overall health . Consistently using self-care strategies prevents stress from negatively impacting your physical and mental health during school and beyond . You will create a cadre of self-care activities that you will use often during your nursing career and prevent early burnout . Don ’ t forget to tell yourself : “ I love myself .” Today ’ s nursing students need to enter the healthcare field knowing nourishing their own mental and physical well-being is essential for delivering quality patient care beneficial to a much healthier society . So don ’ t forget , “ First , put on your oxygen mask of self-care mental and physical strategies before trying to help others !” We wish you much success in one of the best and most rewarding health profession — the profession of nursing . n
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Diane M . Ackroyd , MS , RN , CNS , PMHNP-BC , is a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner . She earned her MS as a CNS in psychiatric mental health ( PMH ) from Boston College School of Nursing and her post-master ’ s as a psychiatric nurse practitioner ( Psych NP ) from New York University College of Nursing . She has worked in all aspects of hospital care and precepted hundreds of CNS PMH and Psych NP nursing students . She has also maintained a psychotherapy private practice in NYC for more than 25 years . Ms . Ackroyd is known for her ability to manage a variety of mental health conditions using medication in combination with lifestyle modifications , in particular self-care practices .
Barbara Krainovich-Miller , EdD , PMHCNS , ANEF , FAAN , is a Clinical Professor Emerita at NYU Meyers College of Nursing . She earned her MS in psychiatric mental health nursing as a clinical nurse specialist ( PMHCNS ) from Hunter College and her doctorate in nursing education from Teachers College , Columbia University , both in New York , NY . She has maintained a private psychotherapist practice 40 + years and taught at all levels in nursing education . She has received numerous research grants , published several articles and book chapters , and was an editor of the AJN award winning text Psychiatric Nursing . Dr . Krainovich-Miler has received numerous awards and was the first woman elected Mayor of her Incorporated Village of Garden City , NY .
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ( MMWR ). 58 ( 6 ): 1-58 .
Keller , Kwasnicka , D ., Klaiber , Sichert , L ., Lally , P ., & Fleig . ( 2021 ). Habit formation following routine-based versus time-based cue planning A randomized controlled trial . British Journal of Health Psychology , 26 ( 3 ), 807- 824 . 10.1111 / bjhp . 12504
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