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cation exam . After successful completion of all requirements , you earn the credential of certified nurse , identifying you as an expert in your field . For AMSN , the MSNCB awards the credential of Certified Medical Surgical Nurse ( CMSRN ®), which identifies you as an expert in the specialty of medical-surgical nursing .
The AMSN is the only specialty nursing organization dedicated to the practice of medical-surgical nursing . We are a dynamic community of more than 10,000 medical-surgical nurses committed to quality patient care through professional development , certification , scholarship , and advocacy . We are present in every area throughout the continuum of care . We incorporate many other specialties as partners in the delivery of world class patient care and health promotion strategies . We focus on the entire patient and seek information on a variety of diagnoses , mastering not just one body system , but considering the mind , body , spirit , and mental health spheres . We start with the foundation of basic care , and then move on to master the broad range of healthcare needs of the human health condition .
Your nursing journey begins as a student . You start defining your practice , refining your passion , and becoming a leader in your career . Don ’ t rule out medical surgical nursing as you identify and define your career . Medical-surgical nursing embodies the core of why we become nurses , and AMSN defines and supports our specialty to position us for the future . Medical-surgical nursing gives you the ability to not only share knowledge with others , but to participate in the future of patient care and be the change in healthcare that we will need in the future . We hope you will consider exploring AMSN and our specialty as you begin your career in the best profession available …… nursing .
As you begin your career as a professional nurse , stay current , stay excited , explore the opportunities , stretch your comfort zones , but most importantly , enjoy your journey . It ’ s the chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance … enjoy your dance .
References Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses . ( 2017 ). About AMSN : What is Medical-Surgical Nursing ? https :// www . amsn . org / aboutamsn / what-med-surg-nursing /.
Gaines K . ( 2022 ). What Are All the Types of Nurses ? The Complete List of Nursing Careers and Specialties . https :// nurse . org / education / types-of-nurses /
Smiley RA , Ruttinger C , Oliveira CM , et al . The 2020 National Nursing Workforce Survey . Journal of nursing regulation . 2021 ; 12 ( 1 ): S1-S96 . doi : 10.1016 / S2155-8256 ( 21 ) 00027-2
World Health Organization ( WHO ). ( 2020 ). State of the world ’ s nursing 2020 : investing in education , jobs and leadership . https :// www . icn . ch / sites / default / files / inline-files / ICN % 20Policy % 20Brief _ Nurse % 20Shortage % 20and % 20Retention _ 0 . pdf /.
Andie V . Melendez , MSN , RN , CHTP , HTCP , HSMI , RM , currently serves as a director on the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses ( AMSN ) Board of Directors and is also an independent nurse consultant . Over the course of her nursing career , she worked in many specialty areas , including cardiac surgery ICU , ambulatory surgery , dialysis and transplant , and business entrepreneur . She spent nearly 40 years in the acute care setting , started a consulting business as principle ( CarlanConsulting Associates , LLC ), where she developed and trained teams to successfully achieve Joint Commission ( TJC ) certification in ambulatory settings . As a certified healing touch practitioner , Reiki Master , and Holistic Stress Management Instructor , she wove holistic practices into her role as a Clinical Nurse Specialist / Education Manager , both in teaching and direct patient care . She offered courses to industry on managing stress with a holistic approach . She has spoken on holistic care at the local , regional , and national level . •
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