Imprint 2023 January | Page 5


Hey NSNA members ,
The holiday season is over and with that , a new semester begins . Whether you are a senior or second-year nursing student who is anxiously scrolling job boards trying to find where you would best fit as a new graduate or a first-year student who doesn ’ t have a clue what they want to do , I hope that this issue of Imprint gives you all the insight you need to find clarity as you discover new roles and a couple helpful tips for once you make it onto the unit as well . Nursing ’ s possibilities are truly infinite and I promise you will find where you belong .
For example , research is an area of nursing that often is overlooked . Writing APA-formatted papers on a Friday night is likely not your idea of a good time , but perhaps authors Betsy Chambers and Dr . Suzanne Prevost can convince you that research tailored to your interests can be extremely rewarding . For example , if you are passionate about poor mental health in nursing students than you can be the one combing through the data and finding the solutions to it . Hear about the triumphs and challenges of nursing through their interview with four esteemed nurse researchers and learn a bit more about the change-makers of our profession !
The transition from nursing student to nurse is an exciting yet complex time . You are no longer under someone else ’ s license and every action you take you must be accountable for . How do you protect yourself and make sure that you are adequately prepared to have an R . N . behind your last name ? Discover the keys to minimizing risk in your professional nurse journey with Cynthia Saver and Georgia Reiner on page 23 . They will give you the full run down on malpractice insurance , liabilities that change depending on specialty , and how that liability changes once you take on leadership roles .
Dealing with the workload of nursing school is difficult but handling the death of a beloved patient is a higher level of pain . Perhaps you have already been exposed to ethical dilemmas on your clinical floor . What do we do when we feel there are more measures to take but the patient is set in their decision ? How do we accept that mortality is an unescapable fate that we will all one day reckon with ? Erika Gotway walks us through her experience dealing with death as a nursing student beautifully on page 71 .
Overall , this issue of Imprint is a favorite of mine . There are so many gems of knowledge in here so get ready to take notes . Be sure to check out the Nursing Specialties Career Planning Guide starting on page 31 and learn more about professional nursing organizations on page 67 ( chances are NSNA probably offers a discount for student membership to the one of your choice ).
Don ’ t forget that Annual Convention is April 12-15 , 2023 for our 71st Annual Convention “ Reflection : A Catalyst for Change ” at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville , TN . Registration at www . nsnaconvention . org ends March 30th so start booking flights and make your Opryland Hotel reservation ASAP . I wish the best of luck to you all this semester . Keep your eyes on the prize , and remember your “ why ,” and stay motivated !
Azariah Torain Imprint Editor