ments related to preceptors and nursing students ( L ’ Ecuyer et al , 2018 ). An example of a position statement of interest to new leaders is the one on floating from the New York State Nurses Association ( NYSNA ), which states that employers are responsible for providing appropriate orientation and training of staff who float to other units ( NYSNA , 2018 ).
Also be aware of competencies , both required and suggested . For example , local and state regulations may require certain competencies , while associations may suggest competencies . For example , the American Nurses Association ’ s ( ANA ) Nursing : Scope and Standards of Practice , 4th Edition includes several leadership competencies ( ANA , 2021 ). In addition , the American Organization for Nursing Leadership ( AONL ) has developed suggested competencies in three areas : the science , the art , and the leader within ( AONL , 2015 ). Competency in these three areas can help you avoid legal action . For instance , a human resource management competency under the science section states : “ Match staff competency with patient acuity ” ( AONL , 2015 ). By doing so , you can reduce the risk of a claim that could occur . For example , you could be held responsible if harm results when you assign a nurse who is not competent in negative pressure wound therapy to a patient receiving it . Even recommended or suggested competencies can play a role in a lawsuit because they indicate what is accepted practice ( AONL , 2015 ).
Finally , you ’ ll want to be aware of any local , state , and federal laws related to your new role . Some states have nurse-patient ratios that you ’ ll need to consider when making assignments ( Sherman , 2021 ).
A Change in Specialty Changing specialties can be an excellent way to rejuvenate your career , but specialty also can affect professional liability risks . In addition to obstetrics , other nursing specialties with high average total incurred amounts are the post anesthesia care unit , behavioral health , correctional health , and critical care , according to the CNA / NSO report ( CNA & NSO , 2020 ).
After home care , specialties with the highest percentage of closed claims were adult medical / surgical ( 18.5 %), gerontology in an aging services facility ( 10.5 %), emergency and urgent care ( 9.7 %), obstetrics ( 6.2 %), and adult critical care ( 5.9 %) ( CNA & NSO , 2020 ).
As with a leadership role , you can take steps to lessen your legal risk . The first source to turn to is your state ’ s nurse practice act and any position statements related to your new specialty and scope of practice . For example , the Texas Board of Nursing ’ s position statement on nurses reinserting permanently placed feeding tubes states that nurses must complete a training course and follow various guidelines before performing this procedure ( Texas State Board of Nursing , 2018 ). If you were a new home care nurse and reinserted the tube without meeting these requirements , you could be held liable if the patient developed a complication .
Also check with national nursing associations for resources . The ANA publishes books on the scope and standards of practice for a variety of specialties , such as cardiovascular nursing . Specialty organizations , such as the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses ( AORN ), also publish standards that you should review and adhere to . Failure to do so puts you at risk for legal action should patient harm occur . In addition , specialty associations are a source for identifying competencies related to the role ; meeting these competencies helps you deliver safe , effective care .
A Positive Career Move Don ’ t let a positive career opportunity become a negative by failing to prepare yourself for your new role or not having adequate liability coverage . By taking a few steps ( see Advancing your career checklist ), you can ensure your career stays on track .
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