What ’ s Happening in Local Chapters and State Associations ?
By Tiffinei Lee-Huertas 2022-2023 Imprint Happenings Reporter
Texas Nursing Students Association Spreading joy and helping those in need are top priorities for all student nurses associations as part of the holiday season . As part of their holiday campaign , the student members of TNSA gathered donated nonperishables and then distributed them to Helping Hands Food Banks and West Texas Food Banks , to serve the local communities .
Student Nurses Association of Mohave Community College The Student Nurses Association of Mohave Community College in Lake Havasu City , Arizona hosts a fundraiser every year called Tip-A-Nurse . The LHC-SNA President , Caitlin Raymond , described Tip-A-Nurse as “ something we do once a year to raise money for community outreach and for club sponsored activities such as conferences , community movie nights and NSNA events .” The student nurses association comes together and works at local restaurants to bus tables , assist restaurant guests any way that they can and raise as many funds as possible . Raymond said that because the size of the city is smaller , those passing through get an idea of what the college is as well as the nursing program .
Keiser University , Orlando , FL At Keiser University in Orlando , Florida , the student nurses organization banded together with the Coalition for the Homeless to provide hot meals and health information to 300 women , men , and children . By giving those in need correct and prompt health information , these students are bridging the gap between healthcare and homelessness while striving to represent the nursing profession in a positive light .
Duke University Student Nurses Association Duke University in partnership with the Duke American Association of Men in Nursing , teamed up with the Duke Student Nurses Association to help provide blood to those with an immediate need during this critical time of year . Every two seconds , someone in the US requires blood products immediately , thus by giving to this deserving cause , these students are aiding in the fight against a blood shortage . •
10 NSNA IMPRINT n JANUARY 2023 n www . nsna . org