Imprint 2023 February/March | Page 41

Obstacles New Nurses Face and How to Overcome Them By Katherine Subotnik

NCLEX-style questions , closed-loop communication , and critical thinking are engrained into nursing students to prepare them for the clinical setting as a nurse . However , other challenges that new nurses face , such as feeling overwhelmed , nurse bullying , finding a work / life balance , or even questioning their career path are not always addressed in nursing school . Nearly 20 % of newly licensed nurses leave their job within the first year for a new environment or leave nursing altogether , 30 % of new nurses think about leaving their job in the first year , and 40-57 % of new licensed nurses leave their first job within their second year of practice ( Sandler , 2018 ). To most nurses , these are believable statistics as many have faced these challenges as a novice nurse . Luckily , there are opportunities for new nurses to overcome such challenges and flourish in their first job . The purpose of this article is to discuss potential obstacles new nurses may face and offer strategies for managing these challenges to have a positive experience and transition into their first job in nursing .

Challenge # 1 : Abbreviated Orientation Time It is well known that there is a shortage of nurses . Due to multiple factors , such as an increase in the nurse turnover rate , and burnout from lack of staff and the Covid-19 pandemic , the shortage of nurses is expected to increase exponentially by the year 2030 ( American Association of Colleges of Nursing , 2020 ). Research shows that due to staffing shortages , orientation time is often abbreviated ; new nurses are expected to take full assignments and function independently despite limited training ( Ivey , 2012 ). Although newly licensed nurses are given an allotted orientation time depending on the unit , typically 8-12 weeks , new nurses are sometimes expected to end their orientation early and work without a preceptor to assist with staffing issues . Abbreviated orientation time and working without a preceptor , can lead to new-nurse anxiety and possibly poor patient outcomes .
How to Overcome : If you , as a new nurse , are being taken off orientation or get to the end of your orientation and do not feel prepared , discuss the situation with your manager , educator , or preceptor to ask for an extended orientation . Statistics show that most novice nurses do not feel completely comfortable in their role until the second year of practice ( Ebrahimi et al ., 2016 ). In addition , when searching for your first job , ask if the organization offers a nurse residency program where new nurses within the organization meet throughout the year to have discussions and work on skills . Nurse residency programs have proven to increase competency and confidence in newly licensed nurses ( Min Kyoung et al ., 2021 ). When you receive support in a residency program and voice your concerns if you feel ill-prepared , you may be better equipped for success once you are officially off orientation .
Challenge # 2 : Clinicals in School Are Not Like Real Life Nursing students in clinical are assigned one or two patients , have an instructor , and are